🐸Chapter One🐸

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"I've brough you all here today because--" Mr. X starts.

"Me and Mr. X found a way to get you back to Amphibia!" Terri interrupts.

"WHAT!? YOU'RE SERIOUS!?" The three girls exclaim.

"Yes, we are." Mr. X says, annoyed that Terri interrupted him.

"But...how!?" Anne exclaims. "Weren't the Calamity Gems destroyed?"

"That's where you come in." Terri says.

"Wha-huh!?" The three girls exclaim.

"But...we don't have our Calamity Powers anymore." Marcy says.

"Oh, don't you?" Mr. X says coyly. He steps aside to reveal theee hues, all blinking next to each other. One pink, one green, and one blue.

"WHAT!?" The girls exclaim.

"Is that..." Sasha starts.

"Our powers?" Anne finishes.

"Does this mean that we get to have anime awesomeness again!?" Marcy exclaims in a hopeful tone.

"Yes. But we haven't called you here so you could just fool around in froggyland. You're here for another reason. And that reason is--" Mr. X starts.

"The Core is back." Terri interrupts.


"Sorry, sorry." Terri says.

"The...The Core is...is back?" Marcy asks.

"Yes. It is. And it seems to have taken the form of...Darcy." Terri says.

"D-Darcy? But...but how!?" Marcy sits down with her head in her knees. "Th-The Core was destroyed! Wasn't it? Oh, this is all my fault!"

Sasha comforts her. "It's not youe fault."

"But how is it taking the form of Darcy?" Anne asks. "The Core needed Marcy to become Darcy."

"I...I think I know the answer." Marcy stands up. "I was in The Core's mindset, and I heard something about 'making a backup copy in case we get defeated, and in 10 years, that copy will awaken'."

"What about the Darcy form?" Anne asks.

"It's simple." Marcy shrugs. "The Core likes the Darcy body."

"Wow. This...this is a lot to take in." Sasha says.

"It is. But it also means that we'll get to see our friends again!" Marcy exclaims.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Fire up that portal, baby! We're going back to Amphibia!" Anne exclaims.

The three girls cheer.

"Not so fast." Mr. X stops them.

"You girls need to pack some stuff." Terri hands the three girls a written list.

"Food..." Sasha reads aloud.

"Weapons..." Marcy reads aloud.

"Yogurt covered pretzels?" Anne asks.

"Yeah, those are for me." Terri says.


Anne, Marcy, and Sasha are hanging out at an ice-skating rink.

"You can do it, Mar-Mar!" Amne exclaims, holding Marcy by the hands.

"A-are you sure?" Marcy asks nervously. "I-I've never ice-skated before!"

"I won't let go." Anne smiles. "I'll hold your hand the whole time."

"Promise?" Marcy asks.

"I promise." Anne smiles reassuringly.

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