41~ Raining red saree romance - Yuvika testing patience

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Jeevika was hanging out by the hotel, enjoying the cool breeze, while Yuvan headed down to get the car until she felt a drop of water on her face, signalling that it had started raining

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Jeevika was hanging out by the hotel, enjoying the cool breeze, while Yuvan headed down to get the car until she felt a drop of water on her face, signalling that it had started raining. She frowned for a moment but then thought about dancing in the rain since she can't dance right now but still can enjoy the rain droplets.

She just strolled over to the open space and let the raindrops sprinkle all over her. She noticed everyone else scrambling to stay dry, but she just stayed put under the rain. Meanwhile, Yuvan casually rolled down the car window and leaned forward to catch a better glimpse of his Jhalli.

In the end, he honked to get her attention, but she was too caught up to notice him. He cursed the weather and honked again to try and get her attention.

"Jeevi, get in the car.....ugh girls and their obsession with rain."

He mumbled and then just hopped out of the car, slamming the door, and strolled over to her. Without a word, he scooped her up in his arms making her hand automatically wrap around his neck while letting out a shriek.

"I wish I could stay a littl___."

Jeevika totally zipped her mouth and pretended to toss her non-existent keys in the air when he shot her a glare. He just told her to get in the car and casually chucked his coat in the back seat, while Jeevika sneakily watched him out of the corner of her eye.

She had her hair to one side while Yuvan turned on the heater rolling his shirt up to his elbow, he listened to the clicking sound of her anklets and bangles. Reaching for a small towel on Jeevika's side dashboard, he pulled out the towel and leaned back, prompting Jeevika to extend her hand with a slight smile thinking he might offer her. However, she quickly gave him a disapproving look when he used the towel to wipe his own face and hair.

Jeevika rolled her eyes but grabbed the towel from him when he offered it after finishing his work. She casually wiped her hair while Yuvan started the car engine.


Yuvan frowned when he heard Jeevika, and suddenly her hand slipped inside her blouse and she pulled out two 500 wet rupee notes. In the process, her chest puffed up, revealing some cleavage that made Yuvan shift in his seat.

"Improve yourself and get into the habit of keeping money in your purse."

Jeevika stopped keeping the money on the dashboard and gave him a narrow-eyed look.

"Improve yourself too and be a little soft-hearted."

Yuvan stuck out his tongue and checked her out as she was focused on handling the note efficiently but suddenly his expression changed when he noticed her busty chest and her tight fit red blouse complimenting her skin with raindrops enhancing the view. Feeling gaze upon her Jeevika noticed and caught his gaze shifting towards her chest, causing her cheeks to turn red in embarrassment. The thing that made her feel even more red was the way he was sensually licking his lips.

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