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The Jasmine was growing. It felt like a heavy burden had been lifted off my shoulders. Each day I could see it getting steadily bigger. It looked as if it would bloom soon, ending my stay here at the Tower of Thorns. Yet, I still didn't seem any closer to the Foreseer or his protocore. And freedom didn't mean much to me if I were to perish soon after.

My disease persisted climbing my torso further. It gave me great pain, but I tried my best to pay it no mind, except for when I had had to ruitinely change my bandages.

I hadn't learned much more about the Foreseer. He read, he lounged, and occasionally snuck away, behind an ordinary wooden door in the basement.

I wondered what was behind it. What did he do in there exactly. Was it a part of some Foreseer duty? I'd never plucked up the courage to ask. And though he'd pretty much given me free reign of the entire fortress, I'd held myself back from entering that place. It seemed... private.

But one day, my nagging curiosity got the best of me. I walked by the door, like I'd done so many times and I stopped. If the Foreseer really hadn't wanted me to enter this room, he would've expressly told me so. Yet he hadn't. Didn't that mean I could go in if I liked. I worked it over in my head for a couple minutes before I finally put my hand on the door handle. And braced myself.

I opened the door.

Shelf upon shelf of books greeted me as I stood agahst. It had never crossed my mind where the Foreseer seemed to get all his books. But of course. He had his own library. It was ginormous, possibly twice the size of the throne room. Books were filed away from floor to ceiling. It was obviously a collection accumulated over thousands of years.

The thought struck me. I often forgot how old the Foreseer was. He appeared to be in his twenties, he acted solemn and stoic, yet, it didn't seem possible he'd lived for a millennium.

I stepped farther into the room inspecting one of the closest shelves. It was mixture of tomes, scrolls, and manuscripts that seemed to have been created in at least the past decade. The subjects ranged from highly scholastic material, to silly romantic stories. I even found one pile of books that was solely devoted to biographies.

"How does he find anything in here?" I muttered to myself. I slide one of my fingers across a shelf and it came back covered in dust. "What a mess." The place didn't look as if it had been cleaned in decades.

The clink of ice on ice echoed through the room. I spun around in surprise, thinking the Foreseer had caught me snooping around. Instead, I found myself staring directly at a translucent wolf. I would've thought it was an ice sculpture except for the fact I knew it hadn't been there a few seconds ago.

It lazily strolled over to me, sat down, and cocked its head at me. No signs of aggression. Apparently the Foreseer had a tame wolf, what other secrets did he possess.

I gently pet between the wolf's ears before pulling away confused. The wolf was cold as ice. Or better yet, the wolf was made of ice. Go figure.

The wolf got up and walked away, it looked as if it was about to turn a corner and vanish before it looked back at me expectantly. Did it want me to follow it?

The wolf waited until I caught up to it before it set off again, this time with me by its side. We walked through the maze of winding bookshelves, and again I was amazed that the Foreseer could find anything in this huge, seemingly disorganized, collection.

The wolf stopped in front of a shelf. It didn't look any different than any of there others, just as cluttered and dusty. I glanced down at the wolf, but... it had disappeared? Instead ice appeared under foot lifting me into the air. I shriek as I try to not to topple over as it brings me up in the air. It stops. I hold my hand to my heart feeling its rapid pulse in my temples.

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