Chapter 18

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I leaned against the wall as I observed the customers walking in and out of Willys chocolate store. All with a happy, satisfied smile and a basket. I heard a rumour from the crowd that even the basket was edible.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself from the wall. Should I go in? Why am I even here? Our plan failed. I went to jail and my face is now on wanted posters all over town. Me being here, is dumb. I'm usually not this dumb.

But Slugworth is never going to give up. Sure, he may forget my existence within no time. He's known for holding a grudge, so he won't be happy if he ever saw me. But I'd be fine, as long as I stick to my shadows and avoid him like the plague he is.

But, Slugworth is never going to give up when it comes to sabotaging Willy. Slugworth will never allow Wonkas chocolate to outsell his. And the only way he can insure that is through destroying Willy. Slugworths original plan, to use me as a weapon against Willy, failed. That doesn't mean that he would leave Willy alone.

I gazed towards the Wonka chocolate shop and couldn't help but feel happy when I saw it. The beautiful door, the sign with his name above. Those friends of his have really helped him. They're expecting a payment, of course.

The shop was supposed to close soon, so I pulled my hood over my head before walking towards the store. The secret to walking unnoticed is to walk slowly. People notice those who rush. Those who look nervous. I walk as I normally do, and no one really looks at me as I make my way to the entrance to the chocolate store.

Using one arm, I push open the door and walk in, closing the door behind me without a single sound. Once I'm inside, I look up and... The store is amazing. The walls were decorated with chocolate details. A huge, pink tree in the middle. Multiple shelves with every kind of sweet you could imagine. I recognised many of the sweets from Willys recipes. I even saw the one that 'contains all the nutrients of a common household meal', the one he gave me after he'd found me bloody and beaten in that alley...

Biting my tongue, I walk through the store, looking for Willy. The last customer had left, and a dark haired woman was locking the door. She hasn't noticed me. My gaze wandered, as I saw a door behind the counter. A sign saying 'Wonka', written in the same recognisable handwriting, could be seen hanging on the door.

Quickly and without a noise, I walked to the door, pushed it open and walked in.

A lit candle illuminated the little office. I let out a breath of relief when I saw Willy sitting at a desk. His maroon jacket hackikg on the wall behind him. He was drawing something, another recipe, perhaps?

Suddenly, I felt incredibly awkward. What should I say? I want to ask him what he's planning to do against Slugworth. I think he should take the old man out before Slugworth makes his next move. But I also want to... Just speak with him. Willy finally has his chocolate shop! He must be thrilled.

But looking at him now, he looked tired. Happy, but tired.

"Are you planning to stare at me for much longer, darling?" Willys voice made me jump, which in turn made him smirk. He sits back in his chair, as he looks up at me.

I stare at him, before cracking a smile. "I thought I told you not to call me that." I retort.

He smiled, ignoring my remark. "I'm glad to see you, Y/n. I was wondering when I..." His voice trailed off, as he looked away.

"When you what?" I ask, urgin him to finish the sentence. His hazel eyes slowly lifted back to mine.

"I was wondering... When I was going to see you again." He admitted with a low voice, sounding vulnerable in a way I've never seen before.

I blink before deciding to make a joke out of it. "What can I say? I've been busy." I say, not really meaning it.

Willy looked away, with a new smile on his lips as he shook his head.

"So," I say, as I walk closer and lean against the desk. "Do we have a new plan regarding Slugworth?" I ask, as I try to stay mission oriented.

"I'm still working on that." He said, before turning his chair towards me. Our legs was almost touching, almost. I tried to ignore how that fact made me feel, as I tried to focus on the conversation.

"Y/n, why did you leave?" He asked, looking at me, waiting for an answer. I shook my head.

"What do you mean?" I ask innocently.

"You, my darling Y/n, confuse me a lot. When I woke up, you were gone. When I turn around, you are here. Tell me, what do you think of me?" He asked straight. His question sent shivers down my spine.

I turned my head, refusing to answer. Willy pushed his chair, so he was positioned in front of my gaze again.

"Please?" He begged with those eyes of his. "I just want to know what you're thinking."

I shook my head, feeling my heart beat hard underneath my chest.

"I can't do this." I said underneath my breath.

"Do what?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.

"Pretend that I hate you when I don't." I admitted with a low voice.

"You don't?" He repeated, as he straightened up. "Well, that's a start." He concluded.

"Damn it. I'm saying that I don't dislike you." I continued, forcing the words out of me.

"I'm... Glad to hear that?" He said slowly.

This! Frustrated, I run my hand through my hair as I lock eyes with Willy.

"I'm telling you that I think about you often. You've changed me and I hate that you have. You have such power over me and you don't even see it. Everything is just fun and sweet for you!" I spit out the last part as I cross my arms above my chest.

Willy looked stunned. He looked at me with this awe that I've never seen before.

"Not everything is fun. You are more than that. You're complicated. You're angry, you're happy and you absolutely fascinate me. To me, you are so special. I've known that since the first time you knocked me off my feet. Literally."

He rose from his chair, standing right in front of me, leaning down so we could see each other face to face. I was still leaning on the desk, so he didn't have to lean a lot. His bright hazel eyes stared back at mine. Breathing slowly, I suddenly forgot how to breathe.

"I've stolen your heart, haven't I?" He asked with a soft whisper. A question we both already knew the answer to. Oh, the irony. His question was more of a fact.

I unconsciously began to lean closer to Willy. To his warmth. I didn't even have to try, it was as if gravity pulled me to him. For one moment, I could forget the harsh world outside and allow myself to be vulnerable. Probably a mistake. Definitely a mistake. But also unavoidable.

The both of us leaned towards each other. Our heads slightly tilted to the side, his hands on mine. We were barely centimeters away from each other.

I've always been a greedy one. But I've never been as greedy for something as I am now. I might pass out. Either from the heat or because of the lack of oxygen. Or... because of the feeling of his lips against mine. His lips were still sweet from the last bit of chocolate that he had tasted. The way he kissed me, made me realise that he was just as greedy for my taste as I had been for his.

It was as if the world around us paused. This moment could last forever, for all I care.

Stolen Heart - Willy Wonka x Y/nWhere stories live. Discover now