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You sat at the small table located in Gandharva Ville's tiny library, hunched over a book even though it was so late into the night now that all you had to light the room with was a small lantern and the moon outside that could be slightly be seen from the window.

You knew everyone else had gone to sleep, but after the talk you'd had with Cyno just a few hours earlier, you had become even more determined than ever to find any information on the Scarlett King that you could if it meant preventing either of you from having to die. Surely, there had to be some way for you to prevent it using his power, didn't there?

Though you'd thought you and Collei had found all the books the forest rangers had on the long-deceased god, you'd gone back to check anyway, where it had turned out there was one more that had accidentally been tucked between a couple of bigger volumes. Though, so far, you'd been disappointed with just how little helpful information it seemed to hold for your case.

There were almost no descriptions of King Deshret's powers or anything you might be able to use to save yourself, but at the very least, it told about his life and motivations at the time, which did give you some grasp on the kind of god you were dealing with in your visions.

Apparently, Deshret had been extremely interested in the idea of resurrection during his time; obsessed, even. A little more digging had told you it was because his best friend and the one he loved, the goddess of flowers, had died. He'd wanted nothing more than to bring her back, but evidently, hadn't been successful during his lifetime.

It made you wonder how those doctors from the desert had been able to do what even a god himself couldn't. Just what kind of power did they possess that allowed them to bring you back from the dead?

Other than that, most of the book was just about the history of Sumeru, which you were already familiar enough with thanks to Uncle Anpu's teachings. After all, he'd always thought it was important for those who lived in the desert to understand the pasts of their ancestors and made it his goal to educate everyone on those things.

You were about to give up hope on this reading altogether, but then a section at the end caught your eye.

'The Scarlett King's Abilities,' it read and you immediately began scanning through the paragraph.

Like you'd already discovered, it seemed King Deshret had had the power to manipulate sand; an ability he'd somehow now passed on to you. That wasn't the only thing he could do, but what really garnered your interest was the book's descriptions of his full power and strength. According to it, he could create raging sandstorms that knocked down even the strongest of buildings and tore through anything in their path.

You weren't have as strong as that, even with his powers at your disposal, so it seemed you'd been right when you had that feeling before that you weren't using them to their full capacity. You knew there was something there that you weren't tapping into.

You froze now though, as a memory from before came rushing back into your brain. 'It's too much for you.' That was what Deshret had said in your last vision, wasn't it? At the time, you hadn't understood what he was referring to, but now it seemed to click.

His power was too much for you. Maybe since you were a mortal human, having that much strength at your disposal would have been too much for your body to withstand.

Trying to use it at full capacity would likely kill you, you realized, so it made sense that some of the Scarlett King's power had been withheld from you for your own safety. He was keeping some of it from you to protect you, which was what you'd sensed before.

Had he been keeping an eye on you this entire time? It would make sense, considering you were originally meant to be his vessel anyway, but the thought was still shocking. You hadn't even known it.

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