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Later that night, y/n sat in the Coopers household living room surrounded by all the stuff they managed to save from Connie's house.

Her parents had dropped Jane off to her about an hour ago, so y/n had stopped helping trying to find her and Connie's stuff, whilst Georgie and Missy still looked for stuff and George SR was on the phone to Mary. Connie has gone to get settled into Dales house.

"Do you find this funny do you?" Y/n asked in a small voice to Jane who was in the bassinet in front of her.

Jane being a baby, had been giggling the past few minutes despite everything that happened today.

"You won't be giggling if you understood your soft toys blew away to Oklahoma, oh no you won't." Y/n said, holding onto Jane's tiny hand.

Y/n never knew she could love something so much.

At that moment, the door opened and in walked Georgie and Missy, both holding boxes.

"Good news." Georgie said as he walked in the stopped and faced y/n.

"I found some of your underwear in a tree." He said, proudly and holding up underwear that definitely wasn't y/n's.

"Those are your grandmothers." Y/n said, smiling slightly.

"Ew." Georgie said, dropping them.

"Did you find any nappies?" Y/n asked them hopefully.

"You mean diapers?" Missy corrected and took it out the box. "Just the one. Use it wisely."

"It will have to do, thanks." Y/n said, taking it.

She turned to Jane, and started taking her out of the bassinet, "let's go get you a clean nappy." She said.


"Georgie, y/n, breakfast!" Missy said, the following morning knocking on their, well Sheldon's bedroom door.

She thought they were still sleeping, but they had both been up for hours with Jane obviously.

"I'll change Jane, will you go make me a coffee?" Y/n asked Georgie sweetly, but there was no way he'd say no.

"Sure." Georgie smiled, kissing y/n on her forehead.

He got up and got dressed and left the bedroom whilst y/n breast fed Jane and changed her nappy on the bedroom floor.

"Oh now you're going to sleep again." Y/n shook her head as she was getting dressed, because Jane was falling back asleep in the bassinet.

Y/n decided to leave her, since she didn't sleep very well last night and set up the baby monitor, taking one of the monitors with her.

She exited their bedroom, and went to the bathroom. The door was closed so she knocked to see if anyone was in there.

"Missy, I said I'm coming!" The annoyed voice of George SR yelled from the other side of the door.

"It's y/n!" Y/n called back.

"Oh, be right out." Georgie SR said, a lot more politely and in a soft tone, almost sounding like a woman.

Y/n laughed lightly as she walked away and into the kitchen where Missy was cooking and Georgie sat at the table.

"That smells yummy." Y/n commented as she took a seat opposite Georgie.

"Help yourself." Missy, replied.

"Here's your coffee." Georgie said, sliding it over to her.

"Thank you." Y/n said, taking a sip and suddenly feeling more alive.

𝘚𝘦𝘷𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘯 (Georgie Cooper x reader) Where stories live. Discover now