27: Battle for Beacon

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Jaune: Screams could be heard all around him. People were running for their lives, a giant Nevermore was flying overhead and Jaune's name was shouted from both his team and family. Their words fell on deaf ears however as he still sat on the ground in shock. He went too far and killed a fellow student. How could he have done that? Why did Jaune have to push so hard?

Jade: "Jaune!" She screamed from the lower row as the shields overhead started to fail. "Get out of there! That Grimm's about to break in!"

Pyrrha: Overhead the Nevermore stopped pecking at the shield and started flying readying itself to smash through the barrier. In a split-second decision Pyrrha jumped over the railing and ran towards the center platform where Jaune was sitting. "Jaune! Move!" She shouted as the Grimm crashed through the sky and landed in front of them both with a powerful landing.

Jaune: He finally snapped out of his daze when he went to grab his sword only to realize he had dropped it along with his shield. The Nevermore screeched loudly as Jaune struggled to bring his aura back up after his last fight. The giant Grimm then reared its head back before making a bite at Jaune. And as the young huntsman braced for his end a blur of red petals rushed past him and collided with the Nevermore's chest. Ruby had taken one of Penny's swords and stabbed into the monster before making a few slashed at its face. "Ruby?"

Ruby: "GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!" She shouted with tears still in her eyes as she readied herself for a fight. And as the Nevermore took to the skies once more it was bombarded and brought down to the ground with several falling weapon lockers. Soon after the Grimm was pinned down, all the student combatants that had fought in the tournament appeared in the arena retrieving their weapons for the upcoming battle. Ruby and Jaune looked in awe as they saw everybody jump into action to finish off the Nevermore reducing it to ash in a matter of seconds. When the Grimm had fully disintegrated Ruby turned towards her friend. "Jaune..."

Jaune: "Ruby... I..." He spoke with a shaky voice full of guilt as his eyes started to get teary. "I'm so sorry."

Ruby: "I know." She said while helping him to his feet. "But this wasn't your fault."

Pyrrha: "She's right." She spoke up while recalling Jaune's sword and shield to her. "Whatever happened here was planned by the person on the broadcast. They're the ones who caused this, but we'll make sure they don't hurt anybody else." Pyrrha then handed Jaune his weapon as he wiped away the tears and firmly grasped it.

Jaune: Overhead there were several griffons flying about swarming the skies. "We need to secure the air docks." He said to the other students. "The more people we can help escape the better." Everyone quickly nodded in agreement as Jaune closed his mask once more before everyone made their way to the dock area.

Ruby: Before following after everyone else, she took out her scroll and summoned her weapon locker. And as she took out Cresent Rose, she looked over towards Penny who laid on the ground motionless. Sadness washed over her as she stared at the sword in her hands. "I promise, I'll make this right." She said before folding up the weapon and pocketing it. And with that she followed after her fellow huntsmen and huntresses ready to fight for her home.

Back at the school:

Nicholas: Chaos was around every corner. Both the Grimm and White Fang were attacking the facilities. Many of the students and staff had already evacuated, but Nicholas stayed behind to help any stragglers while also defending the academy. Nicholas had just finished helping a student out of some rubble when several Beowulfs emerged from overhead airships. In response, Nicholas unclipped his sword and readied a stance. The first strike was made by Nicholas as the first Grimm approached him. With a quick slash the Grimm was easily cut in half as Nicholas soon followed up with a boomerang throw of his sword towards the further Grimm. The sword left his hands, and he was immediately attacked by White Fang Grunts only to be met with Nicholas' hand to hand fighting. Punches, elbow strikes, and knee blows were dealt to any that dared to attack the huntsman as he swiftly caught his returning blade and continued to cut away at his enemies with great power and fluidity. Then out of nowhere a bolt of lightning shot towards several griffons reducing them to ash as well.

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