Chapter One: First Encounter

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Underneath the soft moonlight Mikey races on the rooftop. He runs circles around his brothers like it's nothing. He was always the fastest out of the four so it's really not a surprise. His quick and excited footsteps echo all around them, soaking in the glow of stars and basking in their shine. He skips up into the air with an eager laugh much to the panic of his brothers.

"Mikey- slow down! You're going to get hurt!" The worried call of the eldest brother reaches Mikey's ear and goes right out the other. Leo always worried too much. Mother hen. That what he always was. For their entire life he's been the one to freak out over stuff that wasn't a big deal. So of course Mikey brushed it off. He turns his head to face his brothers, now running backwards to talk to them.

"Relax, dudes! I'll be fine!" He says with a snort. His eyes are as bright at the stars above them. He shows them his signature smile, freckles further emphasized by the crinkle of his snout. His scales curl around his sweet grin before he overconfidently prepares to jump high over a gap between two rooftops and an alleyway.

"Mikey, don't! That is an impossible angle! You aren't going to—" Despite Donnie's efforts to warn him Mikey goes for it anyways. He pushes his legs down to gain extra momentum before pouncing up above the empty space. He cheers loudly, not hearing the screams of his name from below. High up there is no worries, no crushing words, no smacks to head. Up in the sky lies no pain or the abilities to make mistakes. Just him and the wind. Him reaching out for the sky.

Sadly, this rejuvenating feeling fell just as fast as he did. Midway through the jump he starts falling down. "Uh- oh no—" He says quietly before screaming all the way down. He's racing for the concrete ground as the moon gets further and further away from his grasp.


Roaming on the city streets there is a gecko mutant. Hiding by the walls and covering himself from the gaze of human eyes he was on the search for something. Earlier that day he saw a guitar buried in a trash can. He didn't get a chance to grab it though as someone noticed a flash of green, aka him, and tried to chase him down before he made his escape. Almost lost his tail but he was fine! Cause now there's his chance. With barely anyone out this late he should be just fine.

He did see someone though. A brief sight of orange hair and blue eyes heading for who knows where. Seems like she was running to a sewer. Weird but he didn't question it. He didn't have time. It didn't even matter because before she could notice him, he jumps into a nearby alleyway for shelter. Can't risk being seen by any humans. His hands stick to the wall behind him, struggling to pull them off for a moment before getting himself unstuck and almost falling backwards when he did.

He pokes his head out and frantically looks around, sighing in relief upon seeing no other humans. Now that the girl was gone he could safely make his way to the trash bin where that awesome looking guitar was. Why would anyone even throw it away? But of course something else had to happen because he heard a scream from above him. He turns his head up and sees a turtle(?) falling from the sky.

Well shit. His eyes go wide in panic, mind racing with waves of thoughts on what to do. "Oh fuck! Do I catch him? Do I use something else? What!?" He thinks to himself. Before he could form a coherent thought though he felt a shell smack harshly against his back. He hits the floor with an aggressive thump, softening the other mutant's fall. "Ouch-!" He yells as his body made contact with the ground.

His tongue lolls out like he was dead. He wasn't though obviously but he was definitely in pain. The turtle slowly rolls off of his back with a quick swipe. He can hear him gasp upon fully getting off of him.


Oh, shit. He just fell on someone! Thank god he isn't dead! Well he thinks he isn't dead. Oh, please don't be dead. He was staring at the back of some random mutant dude's head in absolute panic. What does he do!? He closed his eyes to focus and slips his fingers under the gecko's body to flip him over, pushing him up which caused the gecko to hiss in pain.

Ok, so he isn't dead! Good! "I am so sorry! Are you... ok..." He opens up his eyes and his voice fell. His mouth goes agape, a sudden rush of warmth shooting to his face. His cheeks darken, finding his throat oddly dry. His eyes glow in awe while staring at the gecko. He could feel his tail wag behind him while looking into the eyes of the fellow mutant.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." The gecko assures and his heartbeat quickens at the sound of his voice. He was drawn into those rust colored eyes, his blue ones softening. It matched so beautifully with his green scales that it left Mikey speechless. He couldn't stop staring and he wasn't sure on why. The gecko tilts his head slightly to the side, blinking slowly before smiling. Mikey felt his heart jump.

"Jeez- what were you doing up there? You could've killed me, silly." His tone was lighthearted and friendly. He should be mad. The gecko should be mad but he didn't seem angry. Not even a little. That startled Mikey to his very core but not in a bad way. He laughs sheepishly at that before returning his own smile.

"I was running around and kinda... well, y'know." He says with a cheeky grin which caused the other mutant to chuckle a bit. He felt his heart flutter but he shakes the feeling off. "Uh, my name is Mikey! What's yours?"

"Mine's Alex."

Alex. That's a nice name. He liked it. He liked it a lot. "Well sorry we had to meet like this." He says somewhat nervously. He hoped Alex would find some humor in this. He really hopes.

"Oh— no it's fine!" He says with a reassuring way. He didn't want Mikey too worry too much. He wasn't that hurt. He's ok! He was going to be ok! "Trust me, this isn't the worst first introduction I've seen. You're good." He tries to joke around to soothe Mikey's worries.

It seems to work as Mikey laughed a little. The sound made his chest flutter. He wasn't sure why but he could feel his heart swell and his stomach warm.

"MIKEY!" All of a sudden a scream from Mikey's hotheaded brother cut through the scene. His loud and angry stomps for footsteps echo in the dull alleyway in direct contrast to the much quieter and more careful of his two other brothers. Raph grabs Mikey's arms and forcefully pulls him up. "Are you an— actually I know the answer to that. YOU'RE AN IDIOT!" He snaps at Mikey, flicking his finger to Mikey's forehead. Mikey yelps in pain at the sudden smack. "Only an idiot would do something like that!"

He hears his new friend clumsily stand up from the floor and watched as his smile turned into a scowl. "Hey now. Relax, there's no need for all of that." Raph is taken aback by the interruption. He growls in frustration before turning his attention back to Mikey.

"Who the hell is that!? And why is he telling me what to do!?"

"Uh... he's my new friend?" Silence fell amongst the group as Raph's angry face now looks stunned like a deer in headlights. Donnie's mouth drops and Leo's eyes simply widens and Mikey laughs nervously.

"Haha..." He clears his throat. "Can we show him the lair please?"

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