Hi jessica i see something behind you Bella said boo mike what the heck did you and bella plan this? hey jess do you see something under that tree? No i do not can we have our night now please! yes we can but i have to go check to make sure i will meet you at the movies. Omg bella says to herself it is a baby! what is his name i wonder oh look there is a letter under the basket.
the letter said this who ever found this baby you should know he is a vampire i do not know how it happened. but i do know however that it was another vampire women named victoria just touched my stomach and a baby appered i thought about it, and i can not trust a vampire living with me thank you i will explain this to you latter. Here is my phone number 978-543-4323 thank you sara blankenhooper.
How am i soppsed to hide a baby in my car? well i could call jessica and tell her i threw up my supper. Okay we can do this let's go to the movie.
Baby Edward
RomanceThis story bella finds edward as a child who is a vampire and bella is on a girl's night out when she finds him so yeah thanks. and the second thing is thart bella is a realluy nice girl so i hope you like this thanks Please vote comment and fan t...