Chapter 14

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For AnnMarieThrush

A/N: Today is a historic day in the U.S. We have finally decided that same sex couples are able to have the privilege of living like a normal human being with equal rights. Whether you are gay, straight, pan sexual, asexual, or transgender you have been given the right that you deserved for a long time.

I myself, will probably not be accepted if I were to marry someone of the same sex by anyone in my family. My family pretends to be tolerate with my aunts being gay or the fact that my uncle is gay. But they would freak out if one of their children were to say they were gay.

I pride myself on basing my relationships on personality. And I don't like using labels. To me, you are a person that deserves love, happiness, equality, and the opportunity to marry who you please to start a family.

So I choose not to label myself. I am me. And I am proud to be who I am. I hope you are all as well. Because no matter what you are wonderful human beings.

Sorry for the long Author's Note.

I love you guys. And we're Making H15tory.

-Nikkie :)s

"Here. You must have a headache." Scott walked into the room with a pill and a glass of water. I made sure I was clothed before accepting the offer. "Don't worry. We didn't sleep together." My head wasn't pounding but I liked Scott being around me. He got up to walk away.

"Thank you."

"For what?" He stopped in the doorway.

"For saving me. From that guy last night. I....I couldn't have gotten away if it wasn't for you. He would have done something and nobody else would have stepped in. But you were there and....I'm just trying to say thank you."

"Well, don't strain yourself." I founded myself getting angry at that response. But then he turned around with a teasing smile. "There wasn't any need to explain. I know you were grateful for the simple fact that you let me stay in the room for more than a minute. You let me sit next to you on the bed. You let me be here for you." I pat the bed next to me for him to sit there. He gladly took it.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being a jerk."

"I'm equally as sorry." He fell back on the bed. "Well, maybe not. It really hurt."

"Scott...." I had to regain myself before I could continue. "You're a great guy. I won't lie. And I like you but....I don't want a relationship. Not right now. I don't want you to leave though." I went to lay down next to him and hugged him close. One of his hands came to hold my arm in place.

"I wasn't really going to leave. Not unless you told me to." He turned on his side so we were facing each other. "I love you." I could only stare at him. I couldn't make my voice respond. I didn't want to hurt him by saying I don't love him back and I didn't want to lie and say I was in love with him. So I was just laying there. His hand came to rest on my cheek. "You're blushing."

"I'm sorry."

"Why are you apologizing?" I shrugged. What was I supposed to say? He leaned over. I felt his soft lips press against my own. I relaxed into it, my eyes fluttering close. This kiss made me realize how much I needed him. I missed him. I tugged on his shirt and he came to hover above me. I felt his legs between mine.

I wanted Scott to understand that I wasn't in love with him. He was my friend. He is my friend. We just sort of became friends with benefits. I want to be in love with Scott. I want to be able to say those three words back to him. I want my heart to feel like it's pounding out of my chest just from him looking at me. But my heart beats normally until he excites me.

"Scott?" I turned my head away to the side.

"Hmm?" He went to mark my exposed neck. I felt my breath hitch in my throat. I missed his touch. I had my eyes squeezed shut.

"You know I won't say it back, right?" He stopped kissing my neck. He sighed, his warm breath pouring against my skin. I shivered.

"I know. I knew. You didn't have to say anything."

"Then why are you still here?" He was looking down on me now.

"Maybe it's just for the sex."

"Oh." I said it with a sad tone. No idea why that tone decided to take over my voice.

"Or maybe because I feel that you feel something more too. I wouldn't stay here if I thought you didn't." My hand went to hold his cheek as he leaned down to kiss me. I felt his hands come underneath my shirt. I let out a shuddered breath when he began taking off my clothes. I don't know why I was nervous. A week ago we were doing this same thing. "Why are you nervous?" He commented on it when my hands came to unbutton his shirt. They were shaking uncontrollably.

"I don't know." He grabbed my hands in his.

"Is it because of what I said? Is it because the only other man who said that was Ronnie?" I couldn't look at him. Not until he slowly tilted my chin up. "I will never hurt you, Mitch."

"I know." I wasn't afraid of him hurting me. I was afraid of me hurting him. He was an amazing guy. And I'm not. Scott got me to laugh when he moved me back on the bed. His lips slowly moved against mine as we tried to get the rest of our clothes off. He had to break away. His hands were cold as they brushed against my legs. I was free of any restrictions and so was Scott. He came back to kiss me. My hands were awkwardly resting on his shoulders.

"You're beautiful. You know that?" My nerves seemed to vanish. He knew what to do to make me relax. His hands ran along the underneath side of my thigh, bringing my body closer to his. I bit my lip. My hand went to his hip.

"No, no, no." I squeezed my eyes shut tightly. He did as I asked. He paused. My chest was rising up and down quickly. I felt like I was going to cry.

"What's wrong?" His voice was filled with such concern. One of my hands went to cover my mouth as the other stayed on his hip. I could feel my tears slipping down my cheeks. I was a horrible person. The shit I put Scott through. "Hey. Relax. Tell me."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"Mitch....There's no reason you should be apologizing." But I feel like there is. I didn't say anything though. I let Scott kiss me again. I let him pull me close. Then I felt my body begin to shake. My hand shot to grab the pillow next to my head. I could feel him inside me and it felt amazing.

"I-I-I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss this." He chuckled at my stuttering. It felt different. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Ow, Mitch." He bent his arm back to grab my hand. My nails had began digging in his back.

"I'm sorry. Oh my god, I'm not sorry. I lied. I'm-I'm...." My hands went through my hair. Scott's hands went to grab the hourglass of my torso when it lifted from the bed. He didn't even start moving yet. It was just the overall feeling of everything. "Ah!" I covered my mouth at my yelp. He had moved. He removed my hand from my mouth to kiss me. It didn't last very long though. My head tilted back to release a very loud moan.

"You okay there, Mitchie?" I didn't answer him. His attention went to my neck. I loved feeling his lips on my skin. We both reached our climax at the same time. My body tensed at the sound of his deep moan in my ear. Why did I let him do that? "Mitch?" He whispered it in my ear as he rolled away.


"I love you." I swallowed nervously.

Oh. That's why.

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