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Name: Y/n L/n

Age: 14

Height: 5'11


Likes: Reading,Fighting, Making fun of the gods , Theorizing and talking to Annabeth, Training and eating with Percy, Cooking for Percy, Sleeping, fighting strong opponents,Dog's, The color blue, the beach, flying , winning battles and cars

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Likes: Reading,Fighting, Making fun of the gods , Theorizing and talking to Annabeth, Training and eating with Percy, Cooking for Percy, Sleeping, fighting strong opponents,Dog's, The color blue, the beach, flying , winning battles and cars

Dislikes: Traitors,his friends being hurt, the the gods (expect hestia, Hephaestus,Athena,hades) Kronos and Luke


Immense Strength: Y/n In base form, he is able to destroy buildings with one punch and lift mountain with little struggle. When not holding back, his physical strength can be compared to Hercules

Immense Speed: Y/n is fast enough to sneak up on gods and monsters without being noticed and also been shown to blitz demigods like Thaila, Zoe, and Percy

Immense Reflexes: Y/n Has Very fast reflexes being shown to dodge arrow point blank shot from Artemis , dodge lightning from Thaila and Zues, sword swings and Light attacks from Apollo

Immense Durability: His durability is comparable to Atlas. Just like he dodge the attacks, he can also tank them only, leaving him with burns and bruises.

Immense endurance: Y/n had been shown to be able to fight for long periods of time. Even when injured, lack of rest or poisoned

Cursed Energy Manipulation: Due to absorbing the power of Sukana and Gojo
He can not only use cursed energy but has a near infinite amount of it

Great intelligence and tactical mind: Y/n is smart, not as smart as Annabeth, but has been compared to a child of Athena

Master Combatant: With the memories of Sukana and Gojo, His finding style is a perfect combination of both of them. Meaning he can keep up with the top tiers, I might even say, he's the best in martial arts / fighting in the verse.



The Six eyes: The Six Eyes allows Y/n to reduce his cursed energy consumption from technique activation infinite simally near to nothing and that he will never run out of cursed energy in a fight

Limitless: Limitless is an innate technique that is derived from the Gojo family. This technique grants its users nigh-absolute control over space through cursed energy manipulation at an atomic level, resulting in multiple subsequent results and techniques within the overall ability

Infinity: Being the neutral form of the Limitless,it is a convergence of infinite series that prevents an opponent from hitting him directly, as the blow ends up hitting infinity itself.

Cursed Technique Lapse Blue: Blue is the byproduct of Y/n amplifying the limitless and negative energy, producing a vacuum basically a black hole.

Cursed Technique Lapse Maximum Cursed Energy Output Blue: Y/n creates a center of gravity in a specific space capable of attracting all matter, crushing it all effortlessly akin to a black hole. He can also move the point of gravity at will, augmenting its destructive capabilities greatly.

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