Chapter 13

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The two girls happily walked out of another store with a few more bags hanging from their arms

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The two girls happily walked out of another store with a few more bags hanging from their arms. Miyo made a point of buying some dresses for Y/N, much to the lilac-haired girl's consternation because she didn't want her friend to spend any more yen on her.

As they walked still inside the mall, Miyo's sharp blue eyes searched for a specific coffee maker that she had seen on Facebook and that had also received great reviews from customers.

They walked together with the other shoppers around the mall, Miyo's stomach growled audibly, causing her to pout like a child.

“I'm hungry, I'm trying to find the coffee shop I saw on Facebook.”

She declared, giving Y/N a hopeful look. Y/N rolled her pink eyes, a teasing smile on the corners of her lips.

"You're always hungry," she joked

“Your stomach is a bottomless pit.”

Y/N scoffed, though with a hint of amusement in her voice.

“What’s the name of the coffee shop?”

Y/N asked as she moved closer to Miyo to look at her phone screen.

“Les Deux Magots.”

Humming, Y/N's eyes moved away from the phone screen and searched for the name of the cafe and it outward appearance while the two girls were still walking.

" Look there!"

Y/N exclaimed, slapping her black-haired head lightly.

“You are blind.”

A mischievous smile appeared on Y/N's pink painted lips making Miyo mutter under her breath 'shut up' with furrowed eyebrows, although a soft smile on her lips betrayed her true feelings. The two girls approached the cafe and through the glass windows they saw that it was full of people.

“Fuck! It's full! The food there must be delicious.”

Relentlessly, Miyo tugged at the sleeve of Y/N's white blouse. Her whole face shone with joy and enthusiasm like a child wanting sweets.

“Come on, Y/N-chan, please.”

She insisted with a pleading tone and big puppy dog ​​eyes. Y/N rolled her eyes good-naturedly, a smile appearing on her lips.

"Yes, yes, whatever you say, Miyo," she replied, her tone teasing.

While her eyes lit up at the pink-eyed woman's response.

While her eyes lit up at the pink-eyed woman's response

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