Chapter Two

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"You'll turn right at the next light,"

Laine instructed the potential buyer.

Taylor was her name and she hurried to Laine when she entered the dealership.

"I want to test drive the Lincoln!"

Her enthusiasm was refreshing, but now that they were driving, Laine was unsure about the woman.

She seemed a tad out of it. Maybe her excitement was causing her to be loopy. Laine had experienced that kind of joy before, it could be destructive if it wasn't reeled in.

"Aww, but I'd rather keep straight," Taylor pouted, turning to face Laine, her long lashes fluttering as if they'd make her decide otherwise.

Beads of nervous sweat gathered on Laine's palms at Taylor's choice to look away from the road while driving.

"U-um, I think you should keep your eyes on the road, yes, please," She stammered, praying silently for the Lord to cover her.

This was the downside of working as a car saleswoman. Test drivers didn't come with a warning.

Taylor snorted while shaking her head, hair strands falling over her eyes. "Don't be so scared. I've done this before,"

Laine closed her eyes and clenched her hands together. "Father, please don't let me die. I still have a whole life ahead of me," Though her prayer was whispered, Taylor snorted once more, noting that she'd heard.

"We'll be fi-"

Taylor's words were halted by the sound of metal coming together.

"Please," Laine whispered before succumbing to deep darkness.


Jen sat in the waiting room, panic draped over her heart and mind as a heavy cloak.

She whispered repetitive prayers for the Lord to save her daughter.

She never wanted Laine to be a car saleswoman. Laine never wanted to be a car saleswoman. However, when things didn't happen the way she planned, she had to find work wherever she could. It was a blessing for the Lord to give her a job, but Laine was miserable at the dealership.

Jen had prayed many times before for her daughter to get out of that place, but she never thought it would happen this way.

"Lord, please don't take my little girl. You have engraved her on Your palm, look down and remember her," She whispered brokenly, feeling hopeless, though she knew if He took Laine, she would see her again.

She didn't want to think of that possibility. Not now.


Jen looked up and wiped her tears. "Kandice," Her lips trembled at the sight of her darling niece. "Baby, you didn't have to come all this way," She said, but she didn't mean it. This was the answer to her unasked prayer.

Kandice shook her head and sat beside her, taking her hand. "There's no way on earth I'd sit at home while Laine's in the hospital,"

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