Chapter 4

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      "I want to go home..." I grumble to myself, following them. There were 2 pools of gross water next to the elevator, and what seemed like a bridge leading out. I look at the water as it bubbles up making me grimace.

     "It's freezing in here..." Zack says, looking around. He sees the floor number next to the elevator. He clicks his tongue annoyed.

    "Tch- we're only on B4?" He complains. I rub my arms, trying to warm up.

    "So that means there must be more floors above us?" I ask, looking around. He walks across the water. Rachel follows him like a lost puppy.

    "...Do you know a lot about this place, Mister?" She asks, he shrugs, looking at her.

    "Eh...I only came here 'cos they told me I could kill whoever I wanted..." He says. "Probably goes for the guys on the other floors too." I look at him like he was insane.

    "So everyone here is crazy? That's fucking great.." I say walking up to him. He rolls his eyes at me.

    "I'm just as clueless as you about the details.." He grumbles, pointing at me. I scoff.

    "Shocker there. Anything else you don't know?" I ask. He glares at me. Rachel was staring at us, waiting.

    "Why are you such a pain in my ass? Do ya know that answer, smart ass." He says, I shut my mouth and look away from him. Not wanting to start something with a man who could kill me any second. He smirks at me. 

   "Anyways..." I start. "We need to find a way out. Do you know anything about this floor or whose on it?" I look around, realizing the water only bubbled in one spot.

   "I think there's someth-" I point at the water but get cut off before I could even finish.

   "UGH! What's the point worryin' 'bout shit you know nothing about?! If y'all can't figure it out, I sure as hell can't!" He yells walking off.

   "Now lets get movin' !" Both Rachel and I look at each other. Rachel had an annoyed expression on her face. I sigh, placing my arm over her shoulder and following him close behind.

   We walk down the hallway, eventually reaching a graveyard of sorts. There were Graves everywhere. I let Rachel go and she goes to look around.

   "It's graves?" I ask, confused. Walking up next to a grave Zack was at. I shiver, crossing my arms again. It was cold in here. 

   "Huh? No wonder it smells like dirt in here." He says, looking around. He grins, before looking at me with a mischievous face. I look at him confused.

   "Hey, wanna try digging them up?" He asks. My eyes widen a bit before I smile. I used to dig up graves with my old friend before I got adopted. I hadn't since, and I kind of missed it.

   "Duh." I grin, looking around to find a shovel. Rachel was standing behind us, staring down at a grave. She looks up at us, her eyes annoyed and dull.

   "That would be disrespectful to them. [Y/N]." She says, practically scolding us. I sigh and uncross my arms.

   "What a boring kid..." Zack mutters to me. I glare up at him before walking over to my sister. He raises up his arms confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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