ˏˋ15*➷ 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐬

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╰┈➤ ❝ [Maybe I've stormed out of every single room in this town] ❞

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╰┈➤ ❝ [Maybe I've stormed out of every single room in this town] ❞

"FINE, IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE US then I'll prove it to you." It was like an unknown force had taken over her body and before any of them knew it she took Han Seo-jun's cheek in her hand to make him turn to her and going up on her tippy toes she leaned forward pressing her lips against his in a kiss.

Han Seo-jun momentarily froze on the spot but he was quick to shut his eyes. This perhaps wasn't real and it was all just a product of his wild imagination. His mind tricking him into hallucinating that something—that desire he had buried beneath all those layers of confusing feelings was happening. He shut his eyes because this wasn't really happening and sooner or later reality would sink in and prove all of this wasn't real.

Though literally seconds later when reality did sink in and he actually focused on the feeling of Kim Ji-an's lips against his and the way they perfectly molded with each other, he knew it was real.

It had to be.

Hesitantly, he placed his hand on her waist tilting his neck down to deepen the kiss as he started kissing back. In this moment he allowed himself to forget about everything, forget about what had gotten him here in the first place and forget about Lee Su-ho. The only thing he allowed his mind to focus on was Ji-an and how warm her lips and body felt pressed against his. How warm and right everything felt. Like finally being basked in sunlight after not having left your home for over a week. It was overwhelming in the best way.

He had to relish in this feeling for as long as he could because this would never happen again. As much as he could wish for the moment to last forever he knew it wouldn't. This was a one time thing and he should consider himself lucky and thank the stars for this one in a million chance. Ji-an was not kissing him because she loved him, in fact she never would.

He had always known but even now after such moment it was like the universe wanted to again remind him of it. Because when the two pulled away from the kiss, Ji-an's attention wasn't placed on him but in the empty spot where Lee Su-ho was standing moments before. Her face contorted into an expression of disappointment and she looked around but the boy was nowhere in sight.

Seo-jun wasn't stupid. He knew this might've ruined everything by the way Ji-an was avoiding eye contact with him. He watched as she ran a hand through her hair a conflicted look on her face before she uttered something that shouldn't have hurt as much as it did.

"I'm so sorry, that was a mistake."
Not waiting for his response, Ji-an walked through the gates of her house and away from him, leaving him standing underneath the dark night no longer feeling warm.

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