Chapter 1

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No. No it would not.

No, he would not get that fresh start.

It was Monday morning, and his parents woke him up at five am to catch a plane at seven.

He and his parents were dead silent on the ride to the airport. So quiet he could hear cotton balls drop.

Soon enough, it was time for him to go off. He was giving his sobbing mother a hug, and his father a firm handshake.

He got the on the plane, which was full of people. He went to his seat, which was a window seat so he got to see everything as the plane flew. He made sure to keep frequent updates with his awesome girlfriend of two years, Charlotte.

Although during all of this, he acted like he was okay, he wasn't.

He was starting to feel empty.

It wasn't like he wasn't sad or angry at his parents, he learned not to rely on them too much.

It still hurt to know that they didn't want ther 18 year old son there while they were getting divorced.

Oh well.

He could only remember the things his parents said to him before he got on the plane.

"Don't forget to call." His mom would say.

"Stay out of trouble." His dad would say.

"Don't fall into the wrong crowd."

"Don't do anything I wouldn't."

Standard stuff.

Then the plane was landing, and he was getting off. Soon enough, he was on a bus with a bunch of people.

It wasn't a long bus ride from Denver's airport to some small, isolated mountain town.

The town itself didn't seem like the best place to have some great boarding school, but it was still in the middle of nowhere.

When they first pulled up to the school, Butters got a little nervous. Was this school always so big?

It looked like almost 5 separate buildings, one was smaller than the rest. He assumed that it was like the office or something important.

As he stepped off the bus, he was hit with a rush of cold air. Was Colorado always so cold?

He managed to make his way over to the entrance, and stepped inside to be met with an office kind of building, it had a waiting area and a cut off section that turned into a regular school office, just kind of bigger.

There was a woman at the desk. She had curly blonde hair and thick round glasses.

"Hi, how can I help you?" She said.

"Uh.. I'm supposed to start school-"

"Name. First and Last."

"Leopold Stotch, everyone calls me Butters."

"Okay.. just a minute. Don't move." She said before getting up and walking away.

She came back with keys, and handed them to the other. "You are in dorm 69, and your roomate is Kyle Broflovski, in house B.  You will get two schedules, one for breakfasts, dinners, and laundry, etc, and one for classes and extracurricular classes. You do not to lose this dorm key because once you lose it, the school will not provide another. You cannot use any of the elevators during school hours but during before or after school hours you can. Any questions about dorms, you may ask your roomate. Is that clear, or do you need me to explain it again?" The woman said listing rules.

Butters understood enough, he couldn't lose his key and it would just be better not to use the elevators at all. If he had any questions he could ask his roomate Kyle. Easy enough. Butters nodded.

"You are on floor... three. I would take the elevator." She said gesturing to the nearby elevator.

"Uh...Okay.." Butters said awkwardly, before making his way over to the elevator. He was suddenly nervous. He didn't even know why. It was like his stomach was doing backflips or something.

As the elevator doors opened, and he stepped inside. Even though the elevator was empty, Butters felt really nervous for no reason.

Is This Forever? ☆Bunny☆ (Butters X Kenny)Where stories live. Discover now