Chapter 13

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Atticus walked out of class and saw the boy from lunch earlier. Then he saw Crybaby.

"Is he the one who sended the love letter?" He thought.

Leo bumps into him. "You alright?

He was heading over to Crybaby.

The boy went back to his spot.

Atticus watched the whole thing go down. "That bitch..." Atticus thought. "That boy was going to ask her!"

Atticus watched as Leo started to talk to her.



"You okay?"

"Mhm. "

"You sure?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Um, I uh, was looking for you because..."

The boy listened to what he was saying.

"I wanted to ask you..."

"I would like for you to go to the dance with me." Leo said.

The boy's eyes widened with disbelief.

Atticus was shocked. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" He thought.




"I don't know if you got my note, but..."

"Oh he fucking didn't..." Atticus muttered. "Leo didn't write it."

Crybaby was in her own world.

"Crybaby, please don't say...." Atticus paused.

"Wait...if she says yes, then it would be the perfect idea to trick Leo into letting Crybaby into his office and hijacking the loudspeaker." Atticus thought.

"But that poor guy..." He looked over at the boy. He looked shocked.

"I'd love to go with you." Crybaby said.

"Good." Leo said.


"Okay. Great."

As he walked away. The boy ran off, devastated.

Atticus followed him. "Hey, wait."

"Oh, hey." He said, he sounded sad.

"I saw you trying to ask Crybaby to the dance." Atticus said as he sat down with him.

"Yeah, I didn't get to, Leo stole it."
He said with anger in his voice.

"Yeah, I saw." Atticus said. "Look, Crybaby doesn't know that you actually wrote it." He continued.

"She doesn't?" He asked.

"No, heck, Leo doesn't even like her."

"Oh..." He looked down.

"Look, I don't even know why the hell she agreed." Atticus said as he held his shoulder.

"She will need to find out sooner or later. So you need to come clean to her."

He looked up. "But I...I don't..."

"You love her, don't you?" Atticus asked.

The boy looked down again. "I do."

"Then you need to come clean to her before it's too late."

"But... Leo already asked her."

"Who gives a fucking shit about him? He doesn't deserve her as much as you do."

"You are probably the kindest boy that she will ever meet."

The boy looks at him. "Really?"

"Yeah, she's been through a lot."

"Like what?"

"Well, her family is a broken up mess. Her mom is an alcoholic, her dad is cheating on her mom, and her brother died from smoking at a young age."

Atticus continues. "She wanted to be in a relationship with a few boys, but they would just leave her, cheat, or even treat her like shit."

"She wants someone to understand who she is and love her for she is. No matter what."

"Even if she can be out of her mind. She is still the kindest, caring, and loving Crybaby that you will ever know."

"And I know you are the perfect person to be with her."

The boy looks at Atticus with water in his eyes. "I...don't know what to say..."

"I know this is a lot. But Leo won't understand any of it."

"Okay, thanks for that...uh..."

"Atticus." He held out a hand.

"Ben." The 2 of them shook hands.

"Good luck out there man." Atticus said.

"Thanks." Ben nodded.

As Atticus walked away, he started to talk to himself. "I'll just pretend I didn't see anything. It's better for the others."

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