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"I miss you," Kara said sniffling, "I miss you too, mi amor." Diana replied softly as she smiled through the phone, "You sound upset. What's bothering you?" She asked and Kara gave a wet chuckle, "What's right? Alex had her memories of me being an Alien and Supergirl wiped. She doesn't remember any of it." The Kryptonian whispered as tears fell from her face.

Diana sighed, "I'm sorry. Is there anything you need from me, my love? You know, I want nothing more than for you to be happy," She spoke softly and Kara shook her head, "I wish you were here to hold me, I guess...Nothing but Alex remembering would make me actually feel better... Thank you though. And I'm sorry for bothering you. I know things have been hectic over there," Kara apologized but Diana shook her head.

"Nonsense. You aren't bothering, Kara. I'm glad you called. I'm thankful for the distraction. And while things are hell over here, they seem to be worse over there." Diana said as she checked the time, "Yeah. That's the life of a superhero. It's getting late, I should go to bed soon," Kara told the Amazonian, who nodded.

"Call me if you need anything. I love you." Diana said seriously and Kara smiled, "I love you, too," She said as she wiped the remaining tears away, "Goodnight, Princess," she said with a smile, "Goodnight, zhao," Kara said and hung up.

|CatCo Magazine, The day after|

Kara sighed as she stood in the printer room, waiting for her layouts to finish.
When the machine beeped, Kara got the proofs and went over them one more time before heading toward Snapper Carr's office.

She knocked on the glass, and walked in after a faint 'Come in' was heard. She sat the layouts on his desk and tiredly put her hands on her hips. Her hair was in a tight bun, and she had on a blue button up with black dress pants. Her hands sat on top of the Louis V belt as she waited for his response.

"Fix the second paragraph. That's straight garbage. You gotta stop fangirling, Danvers. The rest is alright." He told her and Kara nodded before taking the prints back.

She left his office and as she was walking in the middle of the bullpen, she heard a few whispers. There was one that caught her ear, 'Isn't that the princess of Themyscira ?! I wonder what she's doing here'.

Kara's heart stopped beating as she saw Diana walk in with a smile. Her eyes immediately found Kara's. She walked up to Kara with a gentle smile, "There you are," She said as she stood 6 inches away from the woman.

"You came," Kara said as she surrged forward and hugged the taller woman tightly. Kara's eyes were filled with tears.

"You called," Diana replied with a smile as she pulled away and wiped the tears from Kara's face. "You're not going through this alone, my love," She said quietly as she held Kara's hands, "Thank you," Kara told her and the other woman shook her head.

"You don't have to thank me. I'm your partner." Diana said as she let go of one of Kara's hands. "Can we go to my office? It's kinda embarrassing standing in the middle of the bullpen with everyone watching us," Kara laughed and so did Diana.

"Lead the way," Diana said with a smile and so the Future Queen of Krypton did.

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