48~ A Sensuality

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Author's POV

He desperately waited for the moment when his eyes would land on her.

The moment they both would be face to face but not like a stranger, as a husband and wife.

He wanted to see her in red, her hair partition filled with the name of his vermillion, on the first night of their marriage, she lying naked on his bed opening her legs wide and seducing him to fuck her little cunt.

But every dream of his got crashed with the slap of reality when he got to know she was married.

She was fucking married to someone else.

She belongs to another man, who touched her in the places he wished to, not only that but he touched her soul too which always belonged to him.

She was fucking his property when the first time his eyes fell on her and as the blood of Rajdhan he was compelled to destroy her with his very own hand.

But everything seems so different now, going differently, she cheated on him without her knowledge and he left to mourn at his loss.

Doesn't she need to get punished for the fucking mistakes she did? God knows what he would do with her little pussy after dragging her at his mercy.

He would make her bleed, bruise every fucking inch of her body marking it as his territory.

"You would be under me baby so soon and I deeper inside you, dwelling so bottomlessly and filling you up with my seeds," the words slipped out of his wet lips sounding as seductive as his personality and dangerous as him.

The veins in his dick throbbed painfully asking him to release it but he was a man of self-control.

After all, he waited 34 years, a few days wouldn't hurt him, would they?

He gulped the beer before filling

another glass to forget the internal ache he was feeling in his heart, in his pants.

Just the mere thought of her makes him react in this way, what would be the result when she would be standing under the same roof as him?

His phone beeped and he glanced at it only to smirk after reading the lines, his fingers trembled a little in extreme excitement, while he held his breath eagerly.

His left man messaged him that she already arrived and was inside the party hall then what the fuck he was doing all this time.

Now his wildly beating heartbeats were making him restless to see her face, to know how she would look with open eyes and face to face.

He knew he would leave with the edgy desire to fuck her raw, against the wall, straight and harsh but now he couldn't wait any more to see her.

He knew he wouldn't lose his control so soon, not after that long wait of years.

He needed her just like a drug to quench the thrust of his lust, which he had been handling for 34 years, but completely for himself with no one in between them.

Suddenly his gaze stopped on the three ladies sitting at the bar counter and instantly a gorgeous lady in black caught his attention just because of those black curls on her head.

Her curly hair was blocking his view but her perfectly sculptured figure caught him off guard.

He knew she was his, his woman.

And he wasn't wrong, when she turned around with a smile he was left breathless and half-dead.

His lips parted a little and his gaze got stuck on her face, his wait was worth it, she was fucking divine, a perfect fuckable wife any husband would want.

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