ahnjong's first tv apperance

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The temperature was nice and cool as Ahnjong waited outside the house

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The temperature was nice and cool as Ahnjong waited outside the house. The 12 year old plays with her hands nervously as she waits for Chanyeol to come get her. The middle schooler was shocked when she got a call a few hour ago from the older male asking her to come to Seoul to surprise her brother.

Chanyeol is currently on the popular show Roommates and Baekhyun had come to visit him. The boy had been talking a lot about missing his family and his little sister in particular, so, Chanyeol got in touch with Ahnjong and invited her to the house. She had texted him when she got to the house and now is just waiting.

Dressed in an old hoodie that Baekhyun gave her, jeans, and Converse. Ahnjong looked stylishly casual as she messes with her naturally dark brown hair. "Ahnjong-ah!" A deep voice whispers loudly, she jumps and looks up to see Chanyeol towering over her. 

"Sorry, Chanyeol-oppa. I was in my own world." She nervously plays with her fingers as she avoids eye contact. 'Cute boy talking to her, must not embarrass self.' she thinks to herself. "It's been a long time since I've seen you. You've grown a bit." He teases as he ruffles her hair. Her cheeks brighten, "Well that's how time passes."

He chuckles, "Are you ready?" She nods and smiles sweetly. He gently takes her hand and leads her to the house. "Baekhyun, I got a surprise for you." He teases loudly. "What is it?" She hears her brother's voice ask. Chanyeol motions for her to stay behind the wall. She stands there and waits as she listens to the two boys bicker.

"Baekhyun's surprise, please come out!" Ahnjong slowly peeks her head around the corner before stepping out fully. "Long time no see, oppa." She says shyly then squeals as she's lifted off the ground. Her brother's arms wrapped tightly around her as she wraps her arms around him as well.

She smiles as memories flood back of before her brother was an idol and all the times they would hang out together. "What are you doing here?" he asks when she's back on the ground, "Chanyeol called me. Said you were whining about missing your favorite person ever." Baekhyun rolls his eyes before pulling her into another hug. "I wouldn't say favorite." He teases which earns his a playful punch to his side.

Ahnjong looks around to see several cameras and people watching her. She bows politely with a shy smile, not knowing what to do. "Everyone, this is my little sister Byun Ahnjong." Baekhyun says, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. The cast come up and introduces themselves to her.

Once the introductions are over, they all walk over to the living room with several sitting spaces. She sits between Baekhyun and Chanyeol as everyone starts to talk. "Ahnjong, what's it like to have an older brother who's an idol?" One of the men asks.

"Ah, it's very interesting. Baekhyun and I have an 8 year age difference so growing up we didn't hang out a lot until I was older so I could do and have fun with him and his friends. We started to hang out a lot more a couple of years before he joined SM. So, to have gone from spending a lot of time with him to none so quickly was really sad. Now that he's very well known, I have a hard time making friends because I don't know who wants to truly be my friend and who wants to be my friend because of my brother."

Baekhyun looks at her shocked, she never told him this. The other cast members listen to her closely and seem to be sympathetic to her situation. "Do you have a want to be an idol?" One of the female cast members asks.

She giggles as she remembers something. "When Baekhyun was getting ready to go do his audition for SM, I tried to convince my parents to let me go audition as well. I was only 9 or 10 at the time, so they said no. I've always loved music and I really wanted to audition but they said I had to wait a few years to see if I still want to." Her brother chuckles beside her, remembering the day well.

"If I'm remembering right, you threw basically a hissy fit because they wouldn't let you." She looks at him shocked as everyone laughs and she pushes him. "Why do you have to embarrass me?!" She whines as her brother continues to laugh. 

The night continues on with many laughs and sweet memories.

Baekhyun checks the time a few hours later to see it's very late. "Okay, Ahnie. It's getting late. I need to get you home before mom comes down here and kills me." She pouts as he tries to get her off the couch. "I wanna stay! It's gonna be forever til I can see you again!" While Baekhyun may not look strong, he's strong enough to pull her off the couch.

"Say goodbye to everyone. You have school tomorrow." Ahnjong says her goodbyes and the siblings walk out of the house. Once alone, Baekhyun hugs her tightly. "I'm so glad you came." A few tears roll down his cheeks. "It's so weird being at home without you. I hate having no friends."

He pulls back and looks at the young girl, the girl he promised to protect the day he met her 12 years ago. "You will find friends. You will find the people who will be your support system no matter what. It will take time but Byun Ahnjong. You are the best girl I have ever met." Her eyes fill with tears as she looks at her usually silly brother become serious.

"Oh don't get all serious and emotional on me now." Her voice cracks as tears fall. The siblings hug as the car that Ahnjong arrived in pulls up. "I'll see you later, okay shortstack?" He messes with her hair and she rolls her eyes.

"Okay, whatever chump. I'll text you when I get home." He nods and hugs her one last time before she walks to the car. She waves at him before getting into the car.

As Baekhyun watches the car drive away, he feels his heart tug. A small smile on his face before turning back and walking into the house.

What he doesn't know is that the episode will go viral and people will fall in love with Ahnjon, years before she even joins SM and finds her support system.

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