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It was Saturday and I was flying back to Boston.After two years I will go back there.The place the broke me.I will go back to the same high school,but it won't be the same,I fucked it up when I left and I know that.But I have my reasons.As I was looking through the plane window I got a notification.A message from Madi.

Hey!When are you landing?I'm with Alahna,we can't wait to see you!

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When are you landing?
I'm with Alahna,we can't wait to see you!

                                               Im landing in 10 minutes

                                                                                         Hey!                                                  Im landing in 10 minutes                                                                                ...

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Madi and Alahna were the only ones who knew why I left and they promised not to tell anyone and just pretend like they didn't know.I love them and I have no idea what I would've done without them.

After 10 minutes I finally landed.I got my suitcase and left the airport.As I walk outside of the airport I see Madi and Alahna I run up to them and hug them,and soon hugging turned into crying.

"I missed you guys so fucking much" I say whilst hugging them and crying.
"We missed you too" they say at the same time and begin crying too.We wipe our tears and go towards Alahna's car.We get in and she drives me home to my moms house.

One thing you should know is that the triplets are are my neighbors.Good thing they weren't outside.Madi and Alahna went inside with me to help me unpack.My mom wasn't home thankfully.So we had more time to ourselves.I entered my room and started unpacking.

After unpacking we started talking about what happened in the meantime.They told my Chris hated me but now they all moved on.It hurt,a fucking lot,but I had to leave.
"Oh and I think you should know something" Madi said looking at Alahna.

"What?" I said curiously."So you know how Chris was pretty famous on TikTok,right?" Madi said calmly."Yeah." I said nodding."Well he started posting with his brothers and his account blew up and now they have a group account....and they started YouTube.They do car videos,vlogs,and answer questions about their life.They have about 30k followers on YouTube.And my mom is their manager." Madi said looking in my eyes.

"Wow,I mean I'm happy for them."I said with a half smile."Do they know I came back?" I ask."No,idk if they'll recognize you at school,but you should talk to at least one of them.I know it's going to be hard.Especially because you liked Chris before you left.But you should try." Alahna said.

"I don't think I should do that.They hate me!" I say."No they don't,I'm sure they don't,they just need time.Try explaining yourself." Alahna said.

"Idk,I'll think about it.Thanks" I say and hug them.

After a few hours,they leave.I shower got dressed in my pj's and went to sleep.Tomorrow is going to be a hard day for me.Going back to high school with the ppl I loved.But now they hate me.


It was 6am when I heard my alarm go off.I got up and closed it.I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window.I could see their house.Chris' window was right in front of mine...


I woke up.Brushed my teeth and got dressed.Before heading out I looked out my window and saw Chris and Matt in the driveway.They waved at me motioning for me to hurry up.I grabbed my phone and left the house.

I went to them and hugged them."What took so long?" Chris asked."I couldn't find my math notebook" I say."Where's Nick?" I continue."He's coming rn" Matt said."A,what classes do you have today?" Matt asked."Math,English,arts,PE and chemistry I think." I said."What about you matty b" I said laughing."Well,Math,PE,physics,literature and chemistry." He said."At least we have math and chemistry together,Chris,what about you?" I ask.

"English,Math,arts,Chemistry and PE.Matt,btw we have lacrosse tonight." He said."Yeah,ik" He said "Ana,do you want to watch us and then leave with us or do you want to go home by yourself?" He continued."I think I'll wait for you guys.Plus I'll spend more time with Nick" I say and right when I mentioned his name Nick came outside."Ana!" He said and hugged me.

"Hey!We should go to school."I said." Yeah" they all said at the same time.I got in the van.I was sitting in the back with Nick,whilst Matt sat in the drivers seat and Chris in the passenger sit.(like they sit normally).


I missed those times.But I fucked everything up.A tear rolled down my cheek.I wiped it away and got up.I showered ,did my makeup and got dressed.

A/n:imagine she had a white top underneath that bcz it's pretty revealing

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A/n:imagine she had a white top underneath that bcz it's pretty revealing.
(This is the outfit,you can imagine something else if you don't like it)

I got my keys,phone and bag and left my house.I called Alahna and she came to pick me up.As she was leaving I see the triplets.They were all leaving.I wanted to cry,but I managed to relax and get my mind off that.

"Girl!You look so cute!" Alahna said."Tysm!You too!" I said."We're picking Madi up?" I asked."No,she's going with the triplets.They wanted to pick me up too but I wanted to go with you,so I could support you" she said."Tysm Alahna,if it wasn't for you and Madi idk what I would do,I want to cry so bad." I say."Ofc girl.And don't cry your makeup looks too good."she said and I laughed.

a/n: so this was the first chapter!😁I hope you guys liked it!If you have any requests or idea pls comment🫶

What will happen at school??🤔

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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