First night with a stalker

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The elevator doors opened and everyone waved and said their goodbyes and see you later then left to their cars Reid joining JJ in her car at JJ request and Hotch's orders to go with someone.

With JJ and Reid 

JJ started the car and they went off as soon as the two where on the road JJ started talking "I am going to head to my house first because it is closer than we will head to your house ok"JJ said and she turned her head to look at Reid "Yes of course"Spencer said giving JJ a small smile JJ returned the smile than went back to looking at the road.

twenty minutes later and one long conversation about JJ's son and Reid godson later they arrived at JJ's house "You are fine to wait in the car i will be back ok"JJ asked Reid "Yes i am fine"Reid said giving another smile "Call me if you see anything weird or something seems off promise"JJ said "Promise" Spencer said, adn JJ left inside.

JJ entered the quiet house it was weird to her not having her son running up to her and smiling giving her a hug she decided to call Will then JJ pulled out her phone "Hey Will"JJ said "Hen babe"Will responded "How are you how is henry?"JJ asked "I am fine Henry is fine other than he keeps asking where you are he doesn't believe me when i tell him you are on a case "Will said "Speaking of Henry, can i talk to him?"JJ asked "of course"Will said and JJ heard will walk way to get henry, a few seconds later she heard an tired yet excited Henry "Hi Mommy"He said "Hi baby"JJ said hearing her son instantly made her smile "Mommy, you on a case?daddy said you on a case"the three year old asked henry being only three was still learning how to speak in proper sentences was still "Yes it is and... i don't know how long it will take"JJ said becoming sad she didn't want to leave her son but she didn't want to be selfish and see him while they have a stalker "Ok"Henry said sadly adding to his sentence he yawn telling JJ he needed to go to bed  "Ok henry you sound tired i am going to hang up now"JJ said "love you Mommy"Henry yawned again "Love you Henry"JJ said "Ok bye honey i love you"Will said "Love you to will"JJ said than hung up, JJ walked to her bedroom she didn't know how many nights they would spend at Rossi's so she just grabbed two outfits her first outfit was light blue straight cut jeans and a white long sleeve button down, her second outfit was a black bootcut pants and a basic light blue t shirt and for pajamas she had a basic black and white striped the bottoms where shorts she packed a toothbrush and hair brush and stuffed it all in i a suitcase and left throwing her suitcase in the back they drove to Reid's apartment.

They arrived at Reid's apartment and Reid stepped out of the car "I will be back in five to ten minutes"Reid said "Ok Spence"JJ waved and Reid shut the door,Reid arrived at his apartment he stepped inside an quickly went to his room to pack, he packed two outfits like JJ first outfits was a brown collared button down a red sweater vest a random tie and a basic pair of black jeans and for his second outfit he chose a purple collared button down a black sweater vest and again a basic pair of black khakis, while he was finished packing his second outfit he thought he heard a noise he froze and slowly stood up he stepped out of his bedroom and did a quick look around his apartment when he found no one and nothing was out of place he went back to his room to finish packing he only need to pack a pair of pajamas he grabbed black and white plaid pain and an FBI academy shirt he grabbed his toothbrush and hairbrush the grabbed a small suitcase from his closet in the hallway putting everything neatly in the suitcase then left he hopped back into JJ car and then headed for Rossi's.

With Elle

Elle arrived at her house, she didn't go in right away she sat in her car for a minute the last time they had a stalker she was shot in her home, the memory came rushing back to her


She had just arrived home exhausted after spending the most of the night in a police interrogation cell, Elle stepped inside her house she didn't even remove her shoes just dropped her gun and credential on the table and laid down on the couch she closed her eye but only for a moment cause when she peed then again she had a gun pointed at her instantly he knew this was their stalker the she looked over and the table her gun was on band back up at the unsub and quickly tried to get her gun sh wasn't fast enough the stalker shot her and now she was fighting to stay alive

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