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Little SaMo and Caregiver Nahyo

   Momo had been trudging around the apartment, the fluff of her stuffy brushing against the floor as she dragged it behind her. Her little face was etched with a pout, her eyes longing for something.

   Nayeon observed her from the kitchen, her heart tugging at the sight of the usually bubbly Momo looking so glum. "Hey, Momo, what's wrong?" she asked gently.

   Momo looked up and gazed at Nayeon with big, doe-like eyes. "I miss Sana," she murmured softly, her voice filled with longing.

   Nayeon's eyes softened as she realized the cause of Momo's sadness. "You miss Sana? How about we have a playdate with her? Would you like that?"

   Momo's eyes lit up like twinkling stars, and she nodded vigorously, her pout instantly transforming into a bright smile. "Yes, yes, yes! I want to play with Sana!"

   Nayeon chuckled and ruffled Momo's hair. "Alright, let's call Jihyo and set it up. I'm sure Sana misses you too."

   With that, Nayeon picked up the phone and dialed Jihyo's number, eagerly discussing the playdate arrangements while Momo danced around the living room, her giggles floating through the air like musical notes.

   When the day of the playdate arrived, Momo's excitement was palpable as she waited for Sana to arrive. As soon as the doorbell rang, she dashed to the door, her stuffy forgotten on the couch.

   "Sana!" Momo squealed as she flung herself into a hug, the two littles giggling and twirling around in the hallway.

   "Momo!" Sana exclaimed with equal delight, her eyes sparkling.

   Nayeon and Jihyo exchanged smiles as they watched the little ones, knowing that they were in for a lively day ahead.

   "Come on, let's go to your room and play dress-up!" Sana said eagerly, tugging Momo's hand.

   The two littles scampered into Momo's bedroom, their laughter echoing through the apartment as they dove into a pile of colorful dress-up clothes.

   "I want to be a princess!" Momo declared, holding up a shimmering pink gown.

   "I'll be a fairy!" Sana chimed in, her eyes alight with imagination.

   The room was soon filled with the sound of fabric rustling, giggles, and soft thuds as the girls rifled through the dress-up box.

   "Look, Momo, I have wings!" Sana twirled around, her laughter filling the air as she pretended to fly.

   Momo clapped her hands in delight, the joy on her face contagious. "You're a beautiful fairy, Sana!"

   As the afternoon flew by, the sound of their laughter filled the apartment, creating a symphony of delight.

   "I'm hungry," Sana announced with a little pout, her hand on her tummy.

   Nayeon and Jihyo chuckled as they entered the room, carrying trays of sandwiches and fruit slices.

   "Lunchtime, little ones!" Nayeon announced cheerily.

   The girls' eyes lit up at the sight of the food, and they eagerly settled down at the small table, chattering away as they nibbled on their sandwiches.

   The room was filled with the melodic sound of their little voices, the clinking of utensils, and the occasional bursts of laughter.

   "After lunch, do you want to play in the garden?" Nayeon suggested as she tidied up the plates.

   "Yes, yes, yes!" the girls exclaimed in unison, the eagerness in their voices making Nayeon and Jihyo share a knowing grin.

   In the garden, the girls ran around, picking flowers, chasing butterflies, and playing games of tag.

   Their laughter drifted through the open windows, mixing with the gentle hum of the afternoon breeze.

   "I caught a butterfly!" Sana giggled as she cupped her hands around a delicate, fluttering creature.
   "Wow, Sana, that's amazing!" Momo exclaimed, her eyes wide with awe.

   The gentle flapping of wings filled the air as Sana released the butterfly, watching with a smile as it fluttered away.

   The golden glow of the afternoon bathed the garden, casting long, playful shadows as the girls continued their escapades.

   As the sun began its descent, the girls finally paused to catch their breath, their cheeks flushed and their eyes bright with exhilaration from their outdoor adventures.

   "I don't want Sana to go," Momo softly murmured, her lower lip trembling slightly.

   Sana's face mirrored Momo's sadness. "I don't want to leave either," she confessed with a sigh, her tiny shoulders drooping.

   Nayeon and Jihyo knelt in front of the girls, their hearts aching at the sight of their dejected expressions.

   "You know," Nayeon began with a twinkle in her eye, "Sana can come over again soon, and you two can have more fun together."

   "Really?" Momo's eyes widened with hope.

   "Of course," Jihyo confirmed with a smile, ruffling Sana's hair. "We'll plan another playdate very soon."

   The girls' faces lit up again, their smiles radiant and infectious, as they already began excitedly discussing the adventures they would have during their next playdate.

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