0.1.0 "who?"

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"Just who are these guys?!"

"Just who are these guys?!"

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The four sorcerers looked at Ranpo with wide open eyes, the whole atmosphere just dropped, everyone was silent. Though Atsushi, Dazai and Ranpo all had calm yet sharp stares at the four. Whilst Gojo and Megumi had their hands gripping the table, about to break a chunk of it off. Itadori and Kugisaki had their breaths stuck in their throats, anticipating what the hell these three are about to do next.

The silence was broken when Ranpo laughed at their tense faces, as he looked at the four, they noticed his eyes were opened; emerald green eyes stared back at theirs. 'Don't worry, we aren't here to fight.' He waved a hand dismissively, shaking his head as he took out the lollipop from his mouth, pointing it at Gojo.

'Especially you, i can feel you're about to jump us even if we were to stand up.' The white haired sorcerer's grip on the table loosened slightly, but he was still skeptical about these people, what if they hurt his students? Obviously he's not going to let them do that.

Megumi's grip on the table loosened a bit, he was still glaring at Ranpo with slitted eyes.

Dazai sighed, sitting backwards on his seat, an unreadable smile on his face as he looked at the sorcerers. 'Now, now... I know what you might be wondering, "how did he know?"' He hummed, his pointer finger erect and pointed at Ranpo in nonchalance. 'Simple answer: Ranpo here, after going out and buying his usual haul with Poe, overheard three young students,' he glanced at Itadori. 'talking about "curses". In which, of course, made Ranpo curious.'

'Fhanks agin for juh shweets!'

Ranpo happily walked by a taller male, a bounce on his steps as he carried a big, brown bag filled to the brim with snacks and whatnot.

'Ranpo, don't speak with your mouth full!' The taller male exclaimed, a book was held tightly against his chest as a raccoon rested on his shoulder. Ranpo just snorted and stuffed more candies into his mouth. Seriously, how does he not get diabetes from all this sugar intake..? How has he not gotten his legs amputated yet? Not that he wanted to, of course.. Just some morbid curiosity.

They walked through a park, it was quiet as there were little to no people in sight. Well, except for three young looking people. Ranpo's ears perked when he heard something that piqued his interest,  grabbing the taller male's wrist and dragging him closer to the three. 'Poe, get down.'

'Ranpo what do yo—' Poe gets pulled down into a bush, the raccoon still on his shoulder and book in his arms. He looks to where Ranpo was staring at, those people who look like students..? What does Ranpo want with them?

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