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We open with a shadow sitting in front of a table. As smoke fills the room.

A hand with a cut near the knuckles writes in a journal.

Mariusz: "Dzień dobry, Nazywam się Pawel Mariusz Dragić. Pochodzę z Bałkanów, ale mam plan.

(Good day, my name is Pawel Mariusz Dragić. I am from the Balkans, but I have a plan.)

Komunistyczni przywódcy mi podziękują. Będę upewnić się, że moje imię zostanie zapamiętane.

(Communist leaders will thank me. I will make sure my name is remembered.)

Niekt nie zapomni to, co przyjdzie. Będzie nowa republika dla Bałkanów.

(No one will forget, what will come. There will be a new Republic for the Balkans.)

Nie Jugosławia.

(Not Yugoslavia.)

Będzie to Mółdoctonyjazz.

(It will be Moldostonia.)

Do widzenia.


Mariusz had decided to find his way into the heart of communist in Eastern Europe. Considering the relations of the Polish & Communist. There was only one solution to make them pay.

Abruptly. There is a knock on the front door.

[Knock Knock]

Mariusz takes his cigarette. Places it on the base of his tongue. Then swallows it whole. Burning in the trachea, yet, it had not affected him.

Mariusz: "Wlejść"

(Come in.)"

The Door opens.

Marko: "Mariusz, Jak leci?"

(Mariusz, how's it going?)

Mariusz: "Hej Marko, Mam coś do powiedzenia ty."

(Hey Marko, I have something to tell you.)"

He quickly looks around the Bloki to make sure there were not anyone eavesdropping closing the door behind him. Marko asks in a whisper.

[szepty]Marko: "Co to jest?"

[whispers] (What is it?)

[szepty] Mariusz: "Zniszczymy Związek Radziecki."

[whispers] (We are going to destroy the Soviet Union.)"

The room turns silent. Marko's face changes from delighted to puzzled.

[szepty]Marko: "Co?"


[szepty]Mariusz: "Co masz na myśli "Co"?

[whispers] (What do you mean "What"?)"

Marko begins to pace from corner to corner of the dilapidated communist apartment with cold sweat running down the side of his face.

[szepty]Marko: "Chcesz walczyć z komunizmem z większym komunizmem? ... Po co?"

[whispers] (You want to fight Communism with more Communism? What for?)

Quickly, Mariusz grabs a hold of his shoulders saying.

[szepty] Mariusz: "Tak. Marko, Polska przeszła przez więcej bólu, niż Sowieci chcieliby, abyście uwierzyli. Dlaczego tak się boisz? Co sprawia, że początki komunizmu są tak inne?"

[whispers] (Marko, Poland has been through more pain than the soviet would have you believe. Why are you so afraid? What makes starting Communism here so different?)

Mariusz reaches for a cigarette on the table. And hands one to Marko.

[szepty] Mariusz: "Przygotuj wszystkich do ataku. Zrobimy dla Polski więcej niż Sowiet. Bóg. Honor, Ojczyzno"

[whispers] (Get everyone ready for the attack. We will do more than the soviet has done for Poland. God. Honor, Fatherland.)

[szepty] Marko: "Tak"

[whispers] (Marko: "Yes)

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