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When Emilia was swimming, as usual, looking for something interesting, she saw a shiny stone, so she went to it. Then a sea storm began, which threw Emilia out of the sea and she fainted When she woke up, she found herself with two feet. They seemed to have found the lost stone of the princess of the Kingdom of Ethiopia, who was one of the greatest Princesses  in the ancient era When Emilia saw her appearance in the sea

 They seemed to have found the lost stone of the princess of the Kingdom of Ethiopia, who was one of the greatest Princesses  in the ancient era When Emilia saw her appearance in the sea

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she found that her appearance had completely changed. It seemed that she had become a little like Princess Ethiopia So Emilia hid in a cave in front of the sea until darkness fell, and when she came out, she tried to return to the sea, but her original form no longer appeared. She had become completely human, and when all her attempts failed, she began to cry, then she collected all her sorrows in a song and began to sing.

Depths of the Black Sea حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن