/(Trapped... 🔒)\

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//no one's POV <3\\
When lunar started to fall asleep on castor again, castor gently pulled lunar onto his chest teleporting them both back to lunars room castor gently put lunar in the bed as castor teleported back to the living room with the others castor sat down next to Pollux as all of them started to talk, after a few hours a loud *BANG* was heard in lunars room.. and then a scream followed after castor immediately teleported into his room with Pollux following his steps as the others ran to lunars room.. he was already gone all that was left was a broken window and a yellow note..
//lunars POV <3\\
I got woken up by an odd noise it sounded like glass breaking when I sat up it was broken glass.. and eclipse was standing infront of me I could barely breathe I started to activate my powers to protect myself but then I felt.. a wave of power/magic making it so my powers couldn't work/turn on then eclipse started to walk over to me.. I was gonna book it and run for the door so I did I ran as fast as I can to the door but got grabbed so i yelled as loud as I can when eclipse heard the others coming he put a yellow not in the ground then teleported away.. with me..
//castors POV <3\\
When I stared at the yellow note on the ground starting to walk over to it I could barely think straight.. what could the note say to make this worse? I found out I looked at the note as it read 'hello~ this is eclipse writing this if you see this, I already took lunar if you want him back give me solar~' I read the note in my head I wanted to show this to the others but I felt still for some reason I didn't want to show them the note.. but eventually I turned around and started to walk back too moon and solar..
//no one's POV <3\\
"I found something..." castor said in his normal emotionless voice

"What did you find castor?" Moon asked stepping forward

"A note..." castor said handing the note to moon

"Hm?" Moon said reading the note in his head ". . ."

"What is it moon?" Solar asked

"He wants you.." moon looked at solar being honest

"Oh. . ." Solar said going silent "I can sacrifice myself?" Solar offered


"If solar goes I can go with to protect him..?" Castor offered

"Yeah that would work!" Solar said smiling

"Fine.. don't get yourself killed solar.." moon said sighing
//no one's POV <3\\
Castor and solar agreed on making a plan after making their plan they started to walk into the woods following eclipses poorly hidden footsteps solar was leading the way as castor was watching his back so he didn't get hurt or anything, like if someone tried to just them so they can take solar and keep lunar..
//lunars POV <3\\
When me and eclipse got to the base he tied me down in a chair I could barely move I didn't like where this was going when I saw his devilish smile appearing on his face.. when eclipse left to go grab 'someone' I thought this was the perfect opportunity to start struggling out of the chair I was practically glued to.. I was going to give up when I heard a little 'meow' it was a cat? Oh yeah I remember that bloodmoon got one or something.. the cat scattered off when eclipse came back in the room
//lunars POV <3\\
"WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?" I finally got the courage to say yelling out

"Heh.. you see lunar~ I noticed you and your 'cousin' have gotten close..~" eclipse said getting closer to me

"So.. I need solar for something.. and your the perfect 'bait'!~" eclipse finished saying

"NO!" I yelled out trying to get out more

"And what will you do about it..?" Eclipse said grabbing a bat..

Words : 687
Time : 25+ minutes
Yippee :D

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