When You're On Your Period

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~ notices you're acting weird
~ "Y/N, you okay?"
~ "No i'm on my period." 😭
~ vaguely heard about it but still no clue
~ googles it then goes to the shop and buys supplies
~ comes home and dumps them all on the bed and watched movies with you
~ "So... how long does this thing last?"

~ has no idea what a period is
~ phones his mum and she explains
~ his face goes red but right when he gets off the phone he rushes to the shop to buy snacks
~ cuddles all day
~ rubs your back and stomach

~ he's being annoying like always and you snap for the first time ever
~ kinda start screaming at him
~ "Woah calm down you on your period or something?" he says
~ you don't say anything, just give him the dirtiest look ever
~ "Oh shit, you are on your period..."
~ apologises for like 10 minutes straight then gathers all the chocolate in the house
~ watching movies in bed all day, lots of kisses
~ still apologising hours later

~ sees you're really moody and emotional but has no idea why
~ phones sofia for advice and she tells him and tells him what to do and buy
~ he's now a pro
~ shows up with everything and takes good care of you

~ he knew hun
~ he has a tracker app on his phone so he knows when to stay out of sight
~ jkjk
~ always makes sure there's plenty of chocolate and snacks

~ you guys bluetoothed
~ both rotting in bed with period cramps
~ cuddled and food
~ avoid literally everyone

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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