More Than Anything

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Lilith POV

It's been a few months since me and Ben decided to fix our relationship and get to know each other by text

"So...." I got spooked by my mom Nxy who was leaning by my door smiling

"Oh... Hey mom." She walked over and sat next to me

"Don't you think it's best you go up there and finally just be with him." I sighed softly scared

"Look it's been three months since Ben seen you after coronation and I bet Mal has changed her ways and I see he loved you or he wouldn't kept egging on your father moxxie about let you finally see him."

"His asked?!"

"Kid the boy loves you insanely." I gave it a thought and smiled nodding putting on my best outfit opening a portal I turned my head and smiled at my mom

"Good luck." I go threw


Doing paperwork but I was reading the message of me and Lilith although we are a couple I wish she was by my side with this stress when I felt a hand on my shoulder I turned my head and my eyes widen standing up

"Lil?" She gave me a smile

"Yes love?" I smiled softly taking my hands

"I can't believe your here."

"Well I think it's time I came back." I smiled brightly

"Really?! You're serious!?" She nods softly which I picked her up twirling her around as she smiled laughing setting her down I was about to kiss her but she paused me by placing two fingers on my lips

"Not till you ask me properly Benjamin." I was confused until I smiled lightly knowing what she meant

"Lilith Lee May will you proudly be my official girlfriend and my soon to be lady of the court?"

"Absolutely my Ben." She brought me down for a kiss which I accepted proudly as we part i heard a knock at the door

"Yes come in." I said smiling holding Lilith we see it's godmother with my parents

"Ben we.... Oh Lilith hello again." Said my mother Lilith smiled bows

"Belle, beast, godmother."

"Does this mean you two are together?"

"We are and I'm returning to be by his side."

"Oh how wonderful." She smiled looking up at me which I held her tightly smiling when my parents and godmother leave Lilith turned to face me

"So how's it going with Mal and the core."

"Their great we're all friends but I'm still worried about my dream you know."

"Whatever it is I'm here for you know no matter what."

You've already done so much
So many lives you've changed
So many souls you've touched
And in the end, if it's only them you've saved
(I smiled softly)
There's something that I've been dying to say
More than anything, more than anything
Need you to know I love you more than anything
More than anything

𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 𝑰𝑴𝑷 (𝑯𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑼𝑽𝑨 𝑩𝑶𝑺𝑺)Where stories live. Discover now