○◇ Chapter 17 ◇○

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When things settled, Gregory looked on in disbelief.

"I... I did it..." He muttered to himself.

The lost souls of the other pirates were starting to disappear, likely moving on from this after life.

One of them was Foxy.

The captain spared them one last look and smiled bravely to them, bowing gratefully before fading away.

After a few more seconds of silence, the boy called out again excitedly.

"I did it!"

Cassie smiled brightly and ran over to him and trapped him in a tight hug.

"It's over! We're finally done!" She cheered as the rest of the crew surrounded them.

Gregory turned to Freddy cheerfully. "Dad, we-"

His joy was cut short immediately.

Freddy was on his knees, cradling Bonnie's body and staring at his peacful form. He was silent as he watched.

Finally, he pulled the bunny into a careful, gentle embrace.

"... I'm sorry... I'm sorry I yelled at you..." his voice trembled, and his shoulders racked emotionally, referencing the fight they had before he was taken.

The boy felt his own eyes tear up. Cassie was quick to pull him in for another hug and comfort him. Roxanne pulled both of them in as well.

He should be happy. His dad was finally free, as was every lost soul belonging to William. And the Captain was no more...

So why didn't it feel like a happy ending?

Everyone paused at the sound of Freddy gasping. They turned his direction and could not believe what they were seeing.

Freddy was staring at Bonnie expectantly. After a second, the bunny shifted in his arms, making a silent grunting noise.

And Bonnie finally opened his eyes.

They were not violet anymore. They were his real, red eyes.

He opened them wearily and tried processing his surroundings.

"...F-Freddy...?" He whispered, reaching a shaky paw up to caress his cheek. Freddy smiled tearfully and let out a breathy laugh.

"Honey!" He choked out, pulling Bonnie into a tight embrace and sobbing into his shoulder. Bonnie held him just as tightly and laughed as well.

They pulled away shortly after, and Freddy peppered Bonnie's face with gentle kisses, making him giggle before they settled down again.

"Bonnie!" Monty was the first to call out as the others ran forward to greet him.

The bunny laughed and individually side-hugged all of them, staying on Freddy's lap.

"I missed all of you!" He laughed.

Once everyone cleared, Gregory stepped forward.

He wanted to move closer to his dad, but he felt frozen. He was in absolute shock.

Bonnie caught sight of him and his smile dropped. He stared at the boy as if he grew two heads.

"...Gregory...?" He whispered, settling on his knees and opening his arms out for the boy.

Gregory still hesitated, his eyes tearing up all over again.

He hesitantly approached and reached out to touch Bonnie's face, as if to confirm he was real.

He was.

He was right here.

He was alive.

The boy finally broke and let out a broken whimper. Bonnie teared up at the sight.

"...dad!" Gregory sobbed, collapsing into his arms.

Bonnie was quick to hold him impossibly tight, silently reassuring him.

He was so happy he did not even have the words. All he could do was cry helplessly into Bonnie's shoulder and take in the love and security he lost long ago.

Freddy scooted forward to pull both of them into a hug, and the boy finally felt complete again.

Bonnie pulled away and held his cheeks gently. Tears were still running from his eyes.

"M-my baby boy's all grown up!" He laughed. The boy giggled and dived in for another hug while Bonnie kissed the top of his head.

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