Why today

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Life seems like a fake thing, When I wake up nothing feels real any more. Everything feels simulated like in a virtual simulation that I want to wake up from so bad. This is how Nomi felt every morning that she woke up and she was tired of it honestly. The job she worked barley covered the bills and put food in the house for her and her daughter India rose. Nomi rose out of bed and walked down the hallway to her daughter's room. Knock knock India baby it time to get up momma. Nomi was met with a long stretched out whimper from her toddler who  didn't want to get up. Nomi left her door open so India could get up and go to the bathroom. Nomi went in to the kitchen to start breakfast for her and India. Hey Google Please play Luke James Shine on.

Playing Shine one by Luke James ft samoth and the Nu demo. The music filled the air of the two bed room house and Nomi pulled out the stuff to make pancakes eggs and bacon. She then heard the tiniest of whimpers as she remembers that her boyfriend and his daughter spent the night last night. She grabs the baby carrier off the couch and went into her room and picked up the little bundle of love and strapped her to her chest and she went peacefully back to sleep. Rolling over her boyfriend said I would have got her and Nomi looked at him and was like yall got here late last night sleep baby I got her this isn't my first rodeo.

She gave him a big kiss and he slapped her ass as she walked out she stopped and went to ask if he wanted breakfast and she saw he had went back to sleep on her side with her pillow she smiled and closed the door. As she turned to go back the kitchen she saw that India had set her out her clothes for the day and was sitting at the table playing on her tablet. Nomi looked at her daughter and said bub you sure that's what you want to wear to school.

India looked up and said yea ma it's how I'm feeling today. Ok bub you want to help with breakfast, India said no not this time mom but I would like just a fruit bowl. Ok Nomi said. She then started on the bacon and turned to ask India if  she had decided what she wanted for lunch.

India said yea I would like my leftovers from yesterday and more fruit and can I have just water today no juice. Nomi almost dropped her spatula ma'am who are you and what have done with my five year old. Ma today feels different for me so I'm moving differently. Nomi's jaw was on the floor eye buck wide like wow she knew her 5 year old was smart but jeez baby slow down please.

India then looked at her mom and said ma I want to go to Dad's this weekend Nomi said ok I'll call him and went to get her phone. She started call in India's dad James and he answered like Hello baby and Nomi rolled her eyes and said can you please stop that you know I'm in a relationship and he goes yea I know but it's not going to stop me from fighting  for my family .

Yea whatever James. Nomi was like the only reason I called was because India wants to come over this weekend. And all Nomi here is the background if you let her come over here you have to get the other kids and I don't want a house full this weekend. Nomi said oop and laughed because she went through that phase already the new girl has a rude awaken coming. Nomi cleared her throat and James went on to say yes my baby can come over. We are going over to my mom's for a family fish fry .

You are more than welcome to come. Just then Nomi heard her man get out the bed and she said no thank you. And said ok I tell the bus to drop her off at your house today instead. Ok baby I love you baby girl and I will see you later. I love you too daddy. And as Nomi's man Don was opening the door he heard James say and I love you too Mrs. martin. And Nomi said and I don't love you James please stop doing that and respect my relationship.

And hung up the phone. Don then walked into the kitchen as Nomi was putting the bacon on the paper towel and giving India her fruit bowl. He walked in gave India a  kiss on the cheek which she happily accepted and then hugged Nomi from behind and kissed her neck and  stated good morning MRS. Paige and Nomi chuckled and said when you put a ring on then I'll be that but for now I'm Nomi good morning baby. How did you sleep.? Don said peacefully with all my girls with me.

As Don sat at the table  India asked don if he would be ok with coming to her daddy daughter dance and it caught don by surprise and Nomi looked at India and said India rose don't you think you should ask you dad that. India looked her mom with the most serious face and said ma dad won't be here he has a tripped planned with his I don't know what to call her because I only see her at night. India then turns to Don and said will you please take me to my daddy daughter dance? Don looked at Nomi and she gave him this look like that Is up to you. He looked at India with so much love and said sure thing sweetheart it would be my honor.

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