⌞ nine : sparks ⌝

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"Back off before you get disqualified."


The best thing about having a rich Godfather? Yachts. Now, that sounds spoiled, I know. But tell me you wouldn't enjoy sitting on the roof of one and sun tanning with a glass of champagne. Exactly. And that's exactly what I was doing. 

I sighed as I felt the wind cool me off. Mako and Jules were fucking around, diving into the water. I watched them occasionally, having to rate their dives. I was given a little whiteboard, from where, I had no clue. But I entertained them. 

It was nice to watch them. They were closer in age, so I could see why they got along quite well. Plus, it gave me some time to do whatever I wanted. And that was to get my tan back. You wouldn't believe I was Monégasques from how white I looked. I grew up on the coast, and it gave me a decent tan but since we moved, it was rare that I ever had that sunkissed look. But now, I could feel the slight burn from laying in the sun too long and it felt great. 

"It seems the party started without me!" 

I sat up quick, recognizing the voice. "Lottie!" 

Mako's mum, Lottie, was the best. She was a natural beauty with soft blonde curls. I figured she had light brown hair but she spent almost all day in the sun and so her hair was now permanently sun-bleached. 

She looked at me and I saw that beautiful smile of hers. "Is that Eilulia I see?" 

"Oui, hi!" 

I giggled, scooting off the roof and landing softly on the floor. We both rushed toward each other and I practically jumped into her hug. The scent of fruit and sugar filled my nose. I took a deep breath in, wanting to never leave her arms. She was pretty much a second mother to me and it was always the best when I was able to see her. 

She pulled back from the hug, pushing up her sunglasses to look down at me. "You've really started to grow into your features, abeille." 

I smiled, mumbling about how it wasn't all that. 

"Non, non. You are starting to look like a stunning young woman. Sooner or later, you'll start being a desire." 

"Not for another few years, I don't need to start running people over yet." 

I grimaced as the water from Jules dripped onto me. I shoved at him lightly which just caused him to shake his head at me. I playfully shrieked, running to hide behind Lottie. 

"Stop him, I do not want to be wet." 

She giggled, wrapping an arm around me. "Jules. Let the girl be." 

"Anything you ask of me." He bowed and I rolled my eyes behind my sunglasses. 

If Jules and Lottie wanted to say that Mako had a crush on me, I could very well say that those two had a crush on each other. You could see it in the way Lottie looked at Jules and the way that Jules seemed to act more mature around her. It was cute. And I had been trying to set them up since they met. I have not yet succeeded. 

"Lottie, come tan with me on the roof." I started to pull her with me. "We have to rate the boys' dives but it's fine. You just raise the whiteboard." 

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