Nobody POV:

She had known for a while that something was wrong. Something was different between Y/n and Spencer and she just couldn't put her finger on it. Something was different after Spencer and JJ had been forced to confess some deep dark secret to each other. It was after they had gotten out that Spencer proposed. Everyone was happy, everyone congratulated us including JJ. So why was she avoiding y/n like it was her life's mission?

Well the answer came when y/n had decided to surprise Spencer with a special dinner from his favorite restaurant. She had come in from the garage instead of the front door, but it didn't really matter. They were loud enough that she could have heard them from down the block. She didn't know what to think, she knew that she couldn't kill Spencer, people would notice. And she couldn't kill JJ because again people would notice. Instead she decided to do the next best thing. Get revenge.

It was really easy actually, both of the cheaters had left their phones on the kitchen table and since they didn't have a password she was easily allowed access to both their information.

2 years 15 days

That's how long Y/N and Spencer had been together. Apparently that's how long JJ and Spencer had been together as well. Lewd photos and gross messages to each other was enough confirmation of that. Taking photos of the messages she decided that she would get a head start on her resignation papers and her revenge.

It took 4 days for her to get everything in order.

Day 1) was get her papers in order, her new job and a place to live

Day 2) was her quietly getting enough of her belongs to get her through a couple days while also making it also seem like she was still living with Spencer in their shared bottom floor apartment.

Day 3) was printing her evidence and setting up drop off times so that Will would get his divorce papers in time

And the Final Day was today.


The nights here in at the BAU were cold, they felt colder now that I was leaving. "Hey y/n are you staying late tonight or are you coming home early?" Spencer asked me, a nervous tone in his voice. I shake my head "No I'm going to stay in late, finish this paper work that I let pile up" I say giving him a smile. He nods giving me a kiss and leaving in the elevator with JJ. Soon Prentiss left, and Rossi and Penelope. And with Hotchner in his office I decided that it was the best time to plant my revenge. Putting on everyone's desks their own letters I tell them how much I'm going to miss them and how much I love them and I also give them my new phone number in codes only they could under stand. Leaving my engagement ring on Spencer's desk I head to Hotch's office.

Knocking, I hear a faint 'come in' from the other side of the door. In his office Hotch is working through a mountain of papers. "Oh Y/N you're still here" he says in surprise, only to have his face drop when he sees the papers in my hand. "You're leaving" he concludes, seeing my solemn face, I nod "I've found out in the last 5 days that my fiancée has been cheating on me with one of my closets friends for the entire duration of our relationship...I can't stay here anymore Hotch". Hotch gives me a sad smile "You'll always be welcome here Y/N...we're family". After giving him my new bosses email, he sends over my recommendations and accomplishments. Hugging him goodbye I give him the letter with his name on it and tell him that he has to open it when everyone comes in tomorrow. Giving him a goodbye hug I survey my handy work, looking at the post it notes with the words "FUCK YOU" written on them on JJ's desk and Spencer's.

As I leave the FBI office, I smile to myself as I think of how much shit was going to go down come the following morning. But right now I had a plane to catch.

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