Chapter 3

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------------Rae POV-------------

After quickly cleaning up the injury and looking over the antler and trying to see how bad the injury looked in the water.

I took a breath, letting myself rest a bit before getting up and getting ready for the day. This is going to be hard...

* Texting Wolf 💫*

'Oh forgot here are my cords.'

I got out of the shelter looking around me for anything or anyone around that could help though before I could do much the world shook around me before turning black.

---------------Wolf pov----------------

Damn it Rae response! Damn it I'll just find him. I rush out from mine and centross's home. I quick ran to the tree trying to sniff out his sent in any capability.

Catching it and quickly following it to find him lieing down face first into the sand slowly bleeding from his head...

"Shit!" I screamed rushing over to him quickly checking the injury. Grabbing some wool from my inventory and gently placing it on his wound.

Placing his head on my lap, looking around for anyone around not finding much but the open sea. I grabbed my Com and called Centross.

**Calling Centross**


"Hello, Wolf you okay?" Centross mumbled

"I'm okay it's Rae! Umm his antler Isn't attached anymore.." I called through the Com.

"I'm sorry what!? Okay where are you!?" He screamed followed by a crap tone of loud noises.

"Where at ****-****-****. " I mumbled changing the wool on the injury. "Centross I hope you know this isn't your fault nor his." I mumbled to the Com.

Lound footsteps followed along with loud wind. "Let's not worry about me now! We can talk later." I yelled ending the call.

I sighed, before hearing Rae mumble bellow me.

"Wo..lf?" He mumbled trying to look up at me but winced.

"Mhm, don't really pick a small island huh.." I laughed, before checking the injury again.

"It looks fine though it was bleeding did it come of?" I asked looking down at him.

"O..h i nocked it and I..t kinda fell o..f" he mumbled rasing a hand to the injury but jumped slightly at contact.

"Okay not as bad as it could have been just so you know cen-" before I could finish we both looked up at the heavy foot steps.

I giggled to myself as Centross cam rapidly into view, Rae's gigles following.

"You came pretty damn fast love." I said looking at him as he rushed to our side.

"Of course I fucking did!? You okay Rae?" I yelled falling to his knees.

"I'm better than I was, didn't know you cared that much." He tried to joke followed by a light slap form Centross to his arm.

"Of course I do, damn it!" Centross mumbled.

"Don't worry, I know." Rae giggled.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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