ch-9 (aahna)

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I walked into the guest house, leaving behind my bua ji and fufa ji who had come for the wedding. I just hoed they are the last guest for today, I'm tired of moving here and there. Tomorrow is our mehndi and sangeet ceremony, and I wanted everything to be perfect.

"Are you okay, Aahna?" Bua ji's voice interrupted my reverie, concern evident in her tone.

I forced a smile, nodding in response. "Yes, bua ji, I'm perfectly fine. Just a bit tired from all the preparations."

Bua ji studied me for a moment before patting my hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, beta. Everything will be beautiful tomorrow. You just need some rest."

I nodded gratefully, grateful for her comforting words. "Thank you, bua ji. I'll try to get some rest."

After settling everything in guest house, I went to my room as I settled into bed, Aashi, lounged on the nearby sofa, her eyes glued to her phone screen. "Hey Ana, you ready to rock tomorrow's mehndi and sangeet?" she chirped, flashing me a mischievous grin.

I chuckled, rolling my eyes at her infectious energy. "Of course, Aashi. Wouldn't miss it for the world," I replied, unable to suppress a smile.

Ritika, sat cross-legged on the floor, meticulously painting her nails. "Ana di, make sure Veer jiju doesn't bail on the dance floor tomorrow," she quipped.

I shot her a playful glare, shaking my head at her antics. "Don't worry, Ritika. I'll make sure he's front and center for every dance," I retorted, earning a round of laughter from the room.

"Eww, Rudra, you stink!" Aashika exclaimed dramatically as rudra bhai entered the room, his muscles glistening with sweat from his night workout.

Rudra flashed a dazzling grin, flexing his biceps theatrically. "What can I say? I'm a man of action," he replied with mock seriousness, earning an eye roll from Aashika.

I couldn't help but laugh, stepping in to defend my brother. "Leave him alone, Aashi. He's just maintaining his impeccable physique."

Bhai shot me a grateful smile before flopping down on the nearest chair with a dramatic sigh. "Ah, the life of a fitness guru is never easy," he declared, earning a chorus of laughter from me and ritika and eye roll from aashika.

The banter between Aashika and Rudra Bhai continued, escalating into playful arguments and teasing that had the whole room in stitches. As their antics reached a peak, I finally decided it was time to intervene.

"Alright, you two, enough of this childish bickering. Rudra Bhai, you really do need a shower," I declared, shaking my head.

"Ouch, chipmunk," Bhai started dramatically, putting his hand on his heart.

I shot him a playful glare. "Come on, Bhai, I can't take you seriously when you're all sweaty like this. It's for everyone's benefit."

Aashika chimed in, "Yeah, and your stench is ruining our girly atmosphere. Go freshen up, man."

Rudra Bhai mockingly clutched his heart, feigning hurt. "Oh, the agony of being shamed by my own sister and her best friend. I shall retreat to the sanctity of cleanliness."

As he made his exit, the room erupted in laughter. Ritika mockingly saluted him, "Good luck in the battle against body odor, soldier!"


The next day was bustling with activity as we dove into the final preparations for the mehndi and sangeet ceremonies. The house was filled with laughter and excitement, and we were all eagerly anticipating the festivities ahead.

Aashi, Ritika, and I gathered in a room filled with colorful fabrics and intricate mehndi designs. Ritika, our fashion queen, took charge of coordinating our outfits for the day.

"Alright, ladies, we need to look fabulous today. Ana di, something elegant yet vibrant for the mehndi. Aashi di, a chic and stylish ensemble for you. And for me, I'm thinking bold and glamorous," Ritika declared with enthusiasm.

Aashi nodded in agreement. "Absolutely! We need to dazzle everyone with our outfits."

our outfits were already prepared, we focused on styling them to perfection. Aashi effortlessly paired her chic ensemble with statement accessories, adding a touch of sophistication to her look. Ritika, true to her bold style, opted for dramatic accents like a bold stole and statement jewelry.

"Ana di, let's add a pop of color with a dupatta," Ritika suggested, holding up a selection of dupattas.

I nodded in agreement, admiring her keen eye for fashion. "That sounds perfect. It'll complement the intricate mehndi designs on my hands."

As we put the finishing touches on our outfits, excitement bubbled within us. The anticipation for the day's festivities filled the room, igniting a sense of joy and camaraderie.

"Okay, ladies, we're ready to dazzle the crowd," Aashi declared, a sparkle of excitement in her eyes.

With our outfits all set, we headed to the mehndi ceremony to have our hands adorned with beautiful designs. Aashi, Ritika, and I took our seats amidst the lively atmosphere, eager for the artistic process to begin.

As the mehndi artist delicately worked on my palms, Ritika beside me, Rudra Bhai couldn't resist chiming in with his usual playful banter. "Ana, Ritu, you both are turning into walking art shows. Quite impressive!" his grin infectious.

Ritika chuckled in response, "Thanks, Bhaiya. It's all about our fabulous fashion choices."

Aashika, catching onto the teasing, piped up, "And what about me, rudra?"

Rudra Bhai, with a mischievous glint in his eye, teased, "Well, Aashika, you're...not bad," drawing out the words for dramatic effect. But then, he added with a grin, "You look good though," ending the jesting with a compliment, much to Aashika's relief.

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