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Once upon a time there was a girl named sanaya Malhotra she loved to live in a imaginary world especially when it comes to love romance stuff.
She always wanted a partner who would love her adore her trust her give her freedom hold her hand never bear her insult who fights for her and the same she wanted to do for him

Here the story starts:
When she started going to college ... She was a bright student in studies
She got a scholarship in college where the children of business tycoons and actors used to study
She couldn't stand those rich students bullying the poor ones
One day she took stand for a girl  named ishika who was bullied my erica's group
(Erica's group included following  people)
:Her boyfriend -Riyaz
:her brother :rohan
:her best friends : rohit and ritika
:her brother's girlfriend: riya

They were throwing eggs on ishika and before rohits hand could touch ishika shirt sanaya slapped him hardly and they all were angry staring a angry look at sanaya
Then erica tried to grab sanaya's hair but she slapped her too
And immediately took ishika from there
She provided her clothes to ishika and left for registering a complaint in the office
But the schools principle was riyaz's father
On registering sanaya's complaint Erica's parents were called to school.. But there was an exception that the Erica's and riyaz's family were friends so on request of Erica's father.. Erica's wasn't suspended from college as Erica's ego was hurted by sanaya she sweared that she will take revenge from sanaya also riyaz wanted revenge as he truly loved her 🙂but Erica was just with riyaz due to their her families collaboration with riyaz sisters in business
But his family knew her reality that riyaz couldn't see.
On the day of annual function riyaz family met sanaya as she was the topper
Both riyaz ans sanaya scored good marks with their hard work indeed riyaz was also a bright student
At evening riyaz mother dress got spoiled by a waiter sanaya helped his. Mother to get it cleaned  without knowing she is riyaz's mom though sanaya had a good taste in fashion

Sanaya performed in singing dancing acting
And the acting  and fashion designing.modeling script was designed and directed. By  sanaya  she although gave herself the lead role
The lyrics of the songs were framed and sang by sanaya on her own
And the folk as well as mordern  dance were prepared by her she even taught the whole group of dance
The fashion designing modeling was the new performance launched by sanaya... In that task the dresses were designed by sanaya ans the model was her only she presented the dresses 

When it was the time to go home sanaya's friend antika told her that antika's mom was Ill she needed money .. Although sanaya had to buy a dress for her birthday but she gave the money to. Antika .
Then she again left for the audi where the event was going on
Ishika image was ruined by erica as she posted some bad photos of her knowing it would hurt sanaya however this act of Erica's was not. Liked by riyaz but he kept quiet
Before sanaya could do anything erica stole the pursue of the chief guest and kept it on ishika's seat and blamed her for stealing

Ishika denied it so the principal told her to prove her innocence before the event gets over and even threatened erica for her act

When ishika ran going out of audi sanaya. Ran behind her so does erica
Sanaya couldnt find ishika but erica found sanaya and she smirked seeing sanaya's face
She told sanaya she won 🙂 and explained everything how she did everything to. Put the blame on ishika
But riyaz came there searching erica .. She saw it... Erica holds sanaya's hand and take her to room. Near them. By coincident it was conference room
Sanaya turned on the mic of the recording room which was used for giving instructions to the whole college students in one go
And everything Erica said was listened by everyone and Erica gameplay was in front of everyone now she was exposed
Everyone came to conference room. And Erica was now suspended..
Erica's father threatened sanaya that she has to put the blame on ishika of everything and he will spare her but sanaya denied clearly
This loyalty of her  and bold ness of hers was liked by principal means riyaz father and even his whole family thought her as a good human

Later a seminar related to business has to take. Place and the professor was riyaz's sister reeva..
To. Test students knowledge reeva said a wrong principle of management but sanaya raised hand and corrected her reeva was more impressed and she called sanaya on stage to do a presentation explanation and told her to. Impress clients. And make sure they get this deal
And Sanaya got suceeded in the task and reeva was  fully impressed by her

Later reeva told sanaya she will drop her to hostel and she took her in their big car with whole riyaz family riyaz didn't liked it but he has to. Cope up

Later they stopped in a restaurant for having some. Shakes but sanaya stood outside as she didn't wanted to imterupt their family. Moment
Riyaz mom was coming out to call sanaya but sanaya saw a beggers child. Running on the road and he was going to get hit by a car she ran and saved him... Even though she got hurt shw played with the kid and asked him. If he was hungry or thirsty he said yes so she buyed him. Food sweets and water .. After that his. Mother came to. Take. Him. With him she gave his mother some money without knowing his. Mom. Watching her
His. Mom. Was impressed by her..
Later sanaya saw Erica with some other men and she thought to. Inform riyaz about it
She clicked photo of them and she headed to. Riyaz
Riyax didn't Trusted her and told her that she is gold digger and forcefully. And knowingly impressing his. Family so she can be rich
Sanaya felt angry  and told him. How can he insult her like this and showed riyaz their pic and took him to. The hotel they were in when riyaz saw them together he brokedown .. She consoled him. But riyaz pushed her..

Then sanaya received a call. From her mom that their family has an emergency she couldn't arrange money from. No where so she asked riyaz regarding it .. But he left
Here riyaz lovely grand mother whom. He loved the. Most was in dying state she wished to see riyaz marriage doctor told their family if they make her wish filfill. May be she will be happy and may survive
Here riyaz was driving very fast in anger and hitted someone with his car and guess it was who? Sanaya's brother and he knew it was someone's from her relation as he saw him in her family picture that was on her phone'S wallpaper
Riyaz felt bad .. And took him to hospital
In the hospital riyaz's family was already there and he told them the whole incident so as his family told. Him. About his grandmother

Here sanaya called reeva to give her some money as loan shw will pay it along with intrest reeva discussed it with her family and his mother suggested to get riyaz married to sanaya
As it will. Solve all their problem they will give sanaya money and will. Take care of sanaya'S  family.. She will heal riyaz.. And grandmaa's wish will be fulfilled too and also they will get a good Daugher in law who is expert in every feild and will not break their family..
Everyone agreed so as riyaz agreed in anger to. Show it to. Erica but riyaz wanted revenge from sanaya. As he thought she was responsible for everything
Here reeva informed sanaya about her brother accident. And called her to hospital
When she came in principal told her to call her family in Mumbai
She did the same.. He kept the proposal in front of her family and they accepted it by thinking she will get a good family as may be they won't get this proposal back.. So that's why

Sanaya's family asked her but she denied it but they forced her to get married

Here the prep begins for their wedding

hope u guys like it and love it ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2024 ⏰

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