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•~ Chapter 1 ~•

As the cold wind blew around yokohama, a boy then was snuggled up inside a torn off blanket hiding between big brown boxes.

Tears started filling up his eyes, as he was alone in such a cold night, wanting a parent's warmth. as he saw in one of those tv movies.

"What is a boy like you doing in such a cold place?" A man with an Russian accent said as his black cape blew with the wind

The two's eyes met as the man's purple eyes stare into the boy's (Your eye color) eyes




"Checkmate~" A man hummed as he won a game of chess, with a smug smile

The other guy groaned as he tried many attempts to beat the man once

"You should practice more, Sigma~"

(Y/N) Kamishiro / Dostoyevsky

Ability :  Atomic

"Can't we just play a game of cards or gamble?"


Ability : Information Exchange

(Y/N) chuckled "Don't worry Sigma, maybe you would win against me...some day~" He teased

An irk mark appeared on Sigma's head

A faint knock was heard from the door

"Come in~" (Y/N) said as the door opened revealing a black haired man with an Ushanka

"Big brother!" (Y/N) called happily walking towards his brother

As he looked like he was about to hug his brother, as he brought a knife in front of his brother's neck.

"Such a violent way to welcome your dear Большой брат. "

Fyodor Dostoevsky

Ability : Crime and Punishment

"What do you mean? I thought it was the correct way to welcome you~" (Y/N) said as he had a smug smile

"Still beating Sigma at chess?" Fyodor said

"Of course." (Y/N) nodded

Fyodor and (Y/N) chuckled

'I'm surrounded by demons.' Sigma thought a sweat dropped down his cheek





(Y/N) was called by Fyodor, announcing that he needed to collect information from other organizations

"How amusing, wouldn't Nikolai be more suited~?" (Y/N) gave Fyodor a closed-eye smile

"He is, but I wanna test my Брат is that wrong?" Fyodor asked innocently

"hmm, well I am bored so which organization should I do first?" (Y/N) hummed

"How about..." Fyodor thought about it

" The  .... "

" Guild? "

(Words: 369)

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