The Man Who Grinned Too Much

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There was a man who grinned too much you see,
He had the blackest eyes, and teeth white as can be!
No need to worry though, he's a gentle old soul.
He wants to make sure you're safe. That is his goal!

He'll come to you in the dead of night...
And that could be quite a fright...

But there's no need to run...
No need to hide...

Because the man who grinned too much will always be there...
He '11 make you smile, too! Because being alone is so unfair.
Remember that when you go to bed tonight... the man who grinned too much might be there... waiting for you to turn out the light.

He'll take you back to his fairy-tale land...
And he'll put you with all the other guests; finding treasure beneath the sand...

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