lovers duel

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For those unfamiliar with this story, it's part of the "Edelgard's Knight" series. It's part of a series where Ingrid is a loyal knight of the empire. This story was written over a year ago and revised a few months ago.

The story takes place in an alternate Canon divergent version of Azure Moon. This is a one-shot story, there aren't that many Ingrileth stories that exist. Ironically, this is a Canon divergent story, but it is what it is. There isn't one that I'm currently working on; I'll upload it when I'm done editing my current chapters.

Byleth woke up from his 5-year slumber 5 years and had been 5 years since she had betrayed him. 5 years since his heart had been broken he felt hollow he wanted to stay on the ground he didn't want to get up what was the point? Ever since her betrayal it was difficult to find a reason to live but he couldn't stay on the ground he had to get going. He forced himself to get up and started his journey to reunite with his students he had a promise to keep and he wasn't going to go back on his word.

He walked for days until Garreg Mach came into eyesight as much as he wanted to avoid going there he had to do it, the place was full of memories reminding himself of what he had lost. The woman that he had loved, the woman that had betrayed him, the future that could never be. The truth of his origins everything was a lie. He didn't want to go back to that place but where is he going to go? He continued to move until he finally reached his destination.

He reunited with Dimitri; he was broken and looked like he had nothing to live for but vengeance. He was reunited with all the students that stood by him half of them went with Edelgard the other half was with him. His family that he had built for the past year when he was at the academy they weren't his students they were like family to him it was split in half. His heart was broken 5 years ago not just by the woman that he loved but also by the people that went with her.

He hated Edelgard; he blamed her for everything for taking his family away from him for taking his love away from him. It was his way of coping unlike before where he was warm he was cold and detached. The only thing that mattered was winning the war, nothing else mattered.

The battle of Garreg Mach

Ingrid had fought for the empire for the past 5 years in the war that looked like it had no ending in sight a stalemate. She saw him the man that she had betrayed the man whose heart she broke. She recalls to this very day his anguish screams when she left him."What are your orders General?"asked of her subordinates.

"Your orders are to take Garreg Mach and put an end to the mad King."she said coldly, referring to Dimitri. This will be the first time should be facing her former friends in battle. She wasn't able to face them in the first battle of the war due to Edelgard not believing she was ready due to her emotional attachment to Byleth."Can we promise something to each other?"she remembers the promise they had made it's more than she deserves, she thought.

It would have been better had she put her Lance through his heart when she had the chance it would have been a mercy and having him go through the hell that he's going through now. "It's too late to think about what could have been," she thought out loud. Her troops got into formation and she ordered the attack.

The church troops were fighting like everything depended on this battle; she felt pity for them fighting for a cause that was unjust. The person that was right in front of her was someone that she once respected when she was in the academy. He was one of the few exceptions of good people in the church, a good man in a rotten system."What a disappointment you turned out to be"Seteth said in disgust.

"I'm not going to justify my actions to the likes of you."Ingrid said coldly. She had to steal herself eventually she would have to fight someone she knew, not some faceless soldier." You could have been an honorable Knight instead you're the empire's lap dog" he shot back."I am an honorable Knight of the empire spare me yourself righteousness."The two engaged in battle no matter how much she wanted to avoid it she would have to kill him which would add to more bodies more blood on her hands.

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