Part 10

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Slight tiny bit mention of Eating disorders

Charlie's pov:

I yawn as I start to wake up. I rub my eyes and look around. I grab my phone and relies it's 10:00. I slept in oh my gosh. We don't have any classes today because it's prom but that means since I'm student council president I have to go to the main building early to help the rest of the council get ready. I grab some sweatpants and a hoodie off of the floor and quickly put them on. Then I grab my converse and slip them on before going over to nicks bed and kissing him on the cheek. And then I leave for the main building.

*time skip to about like 4 or 5 hours later*

I open the door to our dorm. I see nick digging through his dresser for something. "Hey sorry I had to leave so early I missed you" I say flopping on my bed. He closes his drawer and comes over next to me and hugs me "well someone definitely missed me" I say making fun of him. "It's not my fault I missed my boyfriend" when he says boyfriend my face goes pale and in shock. "I mean uhh not boyfriend I mean we could be boyfriends but we aren't but-" I cut him off "boyfriend sounds good" he puts his face in a pillow to hide his blushing. "If I can say the word boyfriend and that makes you break I must be powerful" I say laughing a bit. He takes his face out of the pillow and says "keep making fun of me you won't get these amazing moves on the dance floor tonight" I look at him confused "what good dance moves to you have exactly because last time I saw you dancing you looked like a Minecraft character" I make quotation marks around good with my fingers. And he responds looking defensive "you just wait until we are on that dance floor, speaking of shouldn't we be getting ready it's in like an hour or so" I look down at my phone and we have about 55 minutes until it starts. "Oh yeah you're right, I'm going to go get ready in the bathroom so you can't see me until it's time" I say grabbing my suit that's covered in black wrapping off the door. "Alright you do that I'm just going to get ready in here then because I already showered" I look at him nodding and I go into the bathroom. I quickly take a shower and dry off. I then put on my tux. It's black pants a white under shirt and a black jacket. I grab my navy blue tie out of the box and put it on. I stare at myself in the mirror. I look kind of nice for one. I don't usually like the way I look. I mean I'm skinny and ugly. Part of that's my fault because I don't eat like a normal person. I don't know if I'll ever be if what they consider normal. I quickly dry my hair off and I knock on the bathroom door so he knows I'm coming out.

Nicks pov:

I hear a knock on the bathroom door which means he is coming out. I look in the mirror one last time before he does and take a deep breath. I am wearing an all white tux and a navy blue tie. My hair is gelled back to the side and I have navy blue shoes on. I turn back to the door and wait for him to come out. He walks out with his head down and his hands in his pockets. Oh my god he looks so good I am just staring at him in shock. Then I can finally get words out of my mouth. "Oh my gosh you... you look so good!" I grab him and spin him around. He laughs. He acts like he hates when I do it but he actually loved it. "You don't look to bad yourself" he says while his hands are wrapped around my neck and his is in my arms. "Uhhh nick? You can put me down now you're staring" I forgot to speak because I was so busy looking at him. So I throw him on the bed and jump on top of him. "Is that better?" I say. He responds "yeah much better, maybe we better get going it's about time to leave" instead of replying I kiss him. I start to make the kiss more harder and deeper and we were making out for like 5 minutes with me on top of him and then I break the kiss and say "maybe we could stay here for a bit and you know" his face looks shocked and he pushes me off of him. "Come on now we better get going we are already late" it kind of hurt me and confused me that he wanted to leave now but I just went with it, he grabs my hand and leads me out the door with him. Something's wrong I'm going to find it out.

Hope you liked todays part I might to another if I have time today. Love you guys

Words- 886

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