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Third Person's P.O.V

It had been two days since the arrival of Sizani and Nandi in Cape Town.

Michael and his crew had also just landed in Cape town. They were already on their way to the hotel.

During their car ride, Michael could not shake off the feeling that something was about to happen during his stay there.

"Wanna get this party started?" Steelo raised a bottle of tequila.

"Yeah man, bring it on." Jonathan replied.

Steelo grabbed some glasses and poured each of them a drink. They all counted to three and took a shot.

"I can't wait to get to the hotel." Mikalah said, "I'm super tired."

"Agreed." Alahna co-signed.

After what felt like a long ride, they finally made it to the hotel.

"Thank goodness." Mikalah was the first one to get out of the car.

The guys grabbed the bags and took them inside.

Once Michael had signed in at the reception, he gave each of them their room keys.

They all bid each other farewell and then split up.

Sizani's P.O.V

V&A Waterfront

Our first stop.

I was busy taking Nandi some pics for her brand promotions.

"Another one," I told her to change her pose.

I snapped a few pictures and then retired for the day.

"I'm hungry." I said as my stomach growled.

I hadn't eaten since morning. I was in  dire need of some good food.

"Can we please get some food?" I pleaded.

Nandi paid me no attention. She was busy selecting pictures to post on her Instagram.

On any other day, I would've been fine with that, but not in that moment.

"Nandi." I whined

"Okay..." She placed her phone away and then focused her attention on me.

"What would you like to eat?" She asked me.

I interlocked my hand with hers, and we  began walking around.

"I think maybe chips and wings," I said.

"Ooh... maybe I'll get that as well." She said as we searched for the perfect food joint.

"I knew you would." I said, and we both laughed.

I love it when she copies me.

"Let's get some food into these bellies." She said and dragged me to the nearest food joint.


We were now back at the hotel.

Nandi was in bed sleeping.

Exhaustion had taken over once we got back to the hotel. We did a lot of activities, so I honestly couldn't blame her.

I, on the other hand, was feeling fresh and energized.

"Let me take a selfie," I grabbed my phone and stood in front of the wall mirror.



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