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As night fell and most of the family of the house was asleep but one as a Otto got up and got ready for somewhere quiet, as he did without waking up anyone he opened the garage door with the key that he had and walked in to see his car a Ford GT Mustang

As night fell and most of the family of the house was asleep but one as a Otto got up and got ready for somewhere quiet, as he did without waking up anyone he opened the garage door with the key that he had and walked in to see his car a Ford GT M...

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As the car garage door opened and Otto started the engine and switched gears before leaving the driveway and the garage door closed after Otto left. As he did he parked the car in quiet and mostly forgotten side of Kouh as Otto drove in and parked it in an abandoned parking place, he rested his head and silently cried.


Date: August 6th, 1945
Location: Hiroshima, imperial Japan 🇯🇵

A brief bright flash so bright like the sun before the superheated mini sun expanded before the entire area lit a flame expanding in a supersonic wave as the EMP Blast and Sonic Boom hit rippling several homes, stores, and everything in it area, a...

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A brief bright flash so bright like the sun before the superheated mini sun expanded before the entire area lit a flame expanding in a supersonic wave as the EMP Blast and Sonic Boom hit rippling several homes, stores, and everything in it area, as the air started sucking everything in making thing worse the flames started growing at a alarming rate, and anyone caught in the middle of the blast was disintegrated leaving their shadows behind.

[how a Atomic/Nuclear Bomb works]

This what the true horror of a nuclear explosion is....

Outside of the (everything is on fire zone), a young man terrified and traumatized, and deaf looked around and noticed that he was alone, his younger sister was killed by debris as a piece of wood priced her chest going through her heart and out her back, a younger Otto cried but he knew he had to find help somewhere, as something was happening to Otto as he cired in pain as he walked through the debris and walked to what used to be a dock and fell into the water, then everything went black.


Otto woke up noticing that he fell asleep in his car and good thing the engine wasn't on, as he lad his back to the seat and sighed sadly he looked at the time and it was already 6:15 in the morning, sighing again before Starting the car up and put it in drive and left the parking lot, heading to school.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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