Chapter 0 - The prologue

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****Pencil's POV****

It was a normal day at the EXIT as always. doing boring math. When suddenly, Liy asked me something

"Hey pencil can I have a Pen, I ran out of Ink on the other one"

****Liy's POV****

It was a normal day in the EXIT when my pen ran out of Ink. I asked pencil: "Hey pencil can I have a pen"

The door to the Exit on the backroom opened?

****No one's POV****

As Liy heard a *Creeeeeaaakkk* coming from the door back of the room. They checked it out. The trio (Stapy, Liy, and Pencil).

CHOOSE WHO CHAPTER 1 SHOULD BE ABOUT: [A] Pencil. [B] Liy. or [C] Stapy

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