46~A Party

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Author's POV

[After two weeks]

"Sir, it's 8 PM, aren't you going home?" Akhil asked who just come back to check on his Sir before going back to his apartment.

He has noticed from the last fourteen days that his Sir was avoiding going early home and also coming early in the morning.

It was shocking for him to learn that his Sir was avoiding his wife, for whom he searched like a mad person for long five years spending countless sleepless nights.

He understood that something was wrong when Yana too stopped coming to the office and was working from home.

Ardhansh stopped his fingers that were clutching the nib and leaned his head on his office chair while rubbing his forehead with his slender fingers.

He was tired from working continuously for twelve hours with no break, no food, and no water but he was more tired emotionally after not seeing her face for the last fourteen days.

He was spending his nights at his farmhouse and days in office working senselessly with no break.

He just didn't want to go home, her silence eats him, and it makes him feel choked and breathless.

She even accused him verbally that one day because of him their sons would suffer the most, and maybe she wasn't wrong.

He just neglected every other relationship just for his sister, he didn't realize but he has done thousands of damages just to correct one damage that is already done.

But no one can understand his pain until they wear his shoes and choose between the people whom he loves endlessly.

As a father he felt bad by her words, as a husband he was hurt, but when he kept himself at her place and thought as a mother he didn't feel bad he knew she was scared for their kids' lives.

He is the one because of whom his family is getting into crises, what if that day something bad would have happened to his sons–

He wouldn't have just lost his sons but her too, and the one thought makes him internally tremble in dread.

He remembered he had a party to attend at Rajdhan's place as the  Rajdhan and Singhaniya were collaborating after thousands of riddles.

He didn't wish to attend it but cleared his mind and got up before asking Akhil who was still at the door, "You aren't coming to the Party?"

Akhil shook his head and Ardhansh continued, "Go Home after completing my leftover work."

Akhil stared at him with stunned eyes and cursed himself for caring for him, he didn't deserve a bit of sympathy.

He sighed and messaged Riddhima to sleep and got busy again at work.

Ardhansh directly came home and noticed all the lights in the house were off, he hadn't come here for the last two weeks not talked with her or their kids.

Saransh left Ayaan after two days, he told him that Ayaan was enjoying his company, but he knew his best friend more than himself that there was something he hid, but he didn't insist on him to spill the beans.

After that traumatic experience, he hired enough security guards and experienced assassins to protect his family, even his parents.

He wasn't mad about letting his family roam freely with no protection after being on the verge of losing them, and when he got sure that the bomb blasts in west Mumbai and the kidnapping of his sons were planned conspiracy and interlinked he just lost the fucking shit.

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