Ancestors and Answers

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 Maria let out a sigh leaning back in her chair; her mind was all over the place right now. She turns around and looks around the room, in one corner is Aspen curled up on a bed that she made him. Along the wall near him are different labeled piles of snowflakes. It took her almost a year to figure out how to make them ahead of time to place them easier. On the floor near the snowflakes are four bags colored for her friends houses as well covered in frost. She was getting ready to tell them, but it was going to be one at a time just to help her place them around the school easier. At that moment she was just trying to figure out who to bring next to Ivermorny. She is thinking about Lacey, since she needs to bring a Hufflepuff. So far she has brought Bill, Rose, Jason and she just got back with Drew. Nicolette and Drew have become such good friends that Maria spent most of her time at Ilvermorny on her own or listening to Eric whine that he is not seeing his girlfriend enough. Though thankfully when they were at Hogwarts, he was distracted by Jason and Nicolette was still attached to Drew. It makes Maria happy that her friends are getting along but sad since her and Nicolette aren't as close any more. Nicolette barely gave her a goodbye when she left two days ago. Turning back around in her chair, she wrote Lacey down as the next person to go and then wrote Tyler followed by Skyler, lastly Talyor. She would figure out who would be a repeat later. She goes to start on some homework Flitwick gave her to work on since she surpassed 7th year charms already, but sees someone moving close to her. Looking at the map more carefully she sees McGonagall. Swearing, she puts the map away and slowly turns in her seat as her professor walks in the door. Aspen happily trots over to her.


"I figured I would find you in one of these rooms." McGonagall smiles, petting Aspen. "I know about the tunnels since I had a group of students that were usually up to something. Good kids though."

"Not up to something, just need to get away and think sometimes."

"The piles of snowflakes say otherwise."

"Oh, um yeah that's me."

"I will inform Dumbledore, he was trying to figure it out. Don't worry, you are not in trouble."

"Oh okay, um why were you looking for me?"

"I noticed your friends were looking for you, but I would like you to meet someone."

"Okay well, lead the way."

McGonagall leads her out of the tunnels and to a painting between the Gryffindor tower and the Ravenclaw tower. The painting is a boy and girl curled up under a tree. The boy had his head in the girl's lap as she read a book. The boy's hair was blue and he had a droplet under his left eye. The girl had Black hair and purple eyes. Both had soft smiles on their faces.

"Regina, Arthur." McGonagall says.

The two look up and their eyes go wide seeing Maria. The boy was up pretty quickly, stepping out of the painting. His eyes were just as blue as his hair.

"You are Arthur Alemaund and Regina Pendragon."

"That would be us." Arthur smiles, poking her birthmark. "Um, you are clearly my descendant but why the snowflake?"

"I use my abilities for Ice and snow mostly, but it has always been a snowflake."

"Different. What does your twin have?"

"Older brother not twin. He has a Flame."

"Older by how much?"

"Three years."

"Strange, I've never heard of Fire and Water being just siblings not twins since they have to be born near each other."

"Are you saying we are the first non twin Fire and Water?"

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