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"Come on my dear Lilith," she whispers.

The first hit knocks me on the ground. I look up at her and she gives me a sinister smile that makes me uncomfortable.

"Mom please," I beg but go unheard as she hits me again. "My dear Lilith," she says softly and the blows get harder.

"Mommy knows best my dear."


Tonight Delta Psi is having a party, and I couldn't be any less excited.

Delta Psi is the most prestigious frat in Briar Hills. Boys are pressured by their fathers to join, and girls are told by their mothers to marry a member after graduation. It's like a fucking cult.

I find it so ridiculous. A frat boy is hardly husband material.

Not like I would need a husband.

Delta Psi is also home to the Briar Elites. There's nothing elite about boys who are whores.

I didn't plan on going to the party, but Astrid just had to fall for a frat boy. I may hate frat parties, but I'm not leaving my best friend in the hands of all those boys.

I would be breaking the girl code if I left my best friend in the wild with those animals. Astrid is seen as the "prey" and I won't stand for that. Men that look and view women that way disgust me.

Astrid Parks is not prey. She may be short, but she's also a raging bitch. With her black hair and green eyes she can have any man on his knees. She's a fucking seductress. She's also my best friend, my only friend really. I rather have one friend than have a group full of fake people who don't really like me.

My phone beeps and it's a message from Astrid.

I open the message and my eyes widen. It's a picture of her in a dress that I can only describe as slutty. Astrid is a fucking emo slut.

Emo Slut: Do you think you think Max will like this?

I roll my eyes at her question. She really has no clue about the effect she has on people.

Me: I think he will like it a little too much

Astrid has the hots for the Maxwell Sterling. It sounds so stupid, but Maxwell is the embodiment of the fuckboy stereotype. He's the community dick on campus. His reputation is shit, but somehow he still gets laid.

I asked Astrid about it once and she laughed and said, "Have you seen his dick?" I don't think I've ever rolled my eyes harder.

Astrid is anything but innocent but I do not want her near a fratboy especially one like Maxwell.

I don't want to be a judgemental bitch, but I just don't want my best friend heartbroken over a boy who doesn't deserve her.

Maxwell frankly doesn't deserve anyone with his arrogant attitude. The only thing going for him is his looks. I may be gay, but I know when a man is attractive.

Emo Slut: Be ready I'm heading back to the apartment

I look into the mirror and sigh. I pull out my hairbrush and start to work on my hair. My blonde hair is messy but nothing a straightener couldn't fix.

"Dear god Lilith your hair is a mess."

I try so hard to not let her get in my head anymore, but it's so fucking hard. I'm finally free from her, and she still has me in her grasp.

I look in the mirror and push away my thoughts. I don't want to look in distress when Astrid comes home.


After I finish my hair I decide on a pink dress that is not too slutty but too modest. Pink is my fucking color.

"Do you think that Max will be there", I jump when I hear Astrid's voice. I guess I didn't hear her come in

"Fuck you scared me," I say with fake anger.

She gives me a cheeky smile which makes it impossible for me to pretend to be mad at her.

"I know you love me," she says and I try to hold back a smile.

I throw her the finger and Astrid fake gasps.

"God Lils why do you have to be so sinister," Astrid asks playfully and wraps her arms around my shoulders. I smile and melt into her touch.

"Why didn't answer my question you bitch." I look at Astrid and roll my eyes to her obvious question.

"Of course he's gonna be there." I can practically hear Astrid smile.

I look back in the mirror taking in Astrid's appearance. She has a smile on her face which counters her all black outfit. She looks like she had just walked out of a Hot Topic.

The dress Astrid is wearing leaves nothing to the imagination. It's black and shows off her tits. Not that Astrid has a problem with that. She loves the attention she gets from men. That's why everyone calls her a slut.

Astrid proudly owns that title.

"Campus Slut"

Astrid never backs down from a challenge. That's probably the reason she sleeps with so many assholes. God Astrid needs to get better standards. She would fuck a guy for just being nice to her.

"Are you ready my dear?" Astrid asks in a fake British accent which makes me cringe. She looks at me offended that I don't like her awful accent.

"Yes my love," I say in a way more accurate British accent.

Astrid flips me off.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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