┊ 🪸 04 ·˚ *

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narrative !

y/n asked kusuo while doing a little spin so he could see her full outfit. the pink haired man just stared at her, his hands stuffed into his sweatpants pockets. he then looked her up and down, being all extra and tilting.

"kusuo stop fucking playing and tell me."

"good grief, you look pretty."

"thank you!" y/n immediately smiled as if she wasn't getting ready to cuss him out. she grabbed her phone as she exited her room, kusuo following behind her as they exited her apartment.

"why don't you live on campus? i thought you'd want the full college experience. y'know, having a roommate, beefing with said roommate, then becoming besties after." kusuo actually attempted to start a conversation.

y/n just shrugged before clicking the call button on the elevator. "i wanted to, but my parents were tweaking out 'bout how they don't want me to get a dirty dorm or a roommate who don't clean up." she explained. the elevator opened as soon as she finished talking, the two stepping inside and kusuo clicking the lobby button since he was closer.

"mine said the same thing, but living on campus was cheaper on them so they let me be."

"well my parents have money to blow, so i don't get a say."

kusuo stared at her for a bit while taking in her words. he could read her mind of course, but she never really let her thoughts revolve around her family affairs. if he was honest he's never heard her even think about her family, other than someone he came to conclusion was a younger sibling she had to leave back at home.

y/n wasn't the type to go in depth about her family or her past, she only focused on the present and the future. she just wanted to have fun, then become a pediatrician, was that so hard, other than the pediatrician part?

┊ 🪸 04 ·˚ *

"whose party even is this?" kusuo asked while being lead through the crowd of people. y/n just smiled as she found her way to the kitchen, seeing shot glasses and bottles. "don't know, don't care, saw it on instagram, got the addy." y/n answered as she picked up a glass, pouring some champagne into it.

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