Part 2 (Theo)

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The word bounces around my head as I stare at the aggressive wolf in front of me. If she recognizes me as her mate she doesn't show it. Ears pressed against the back of her head, her lips are pulled back to reveal sharp teeth that wish to inflict death upon us. It's for a quick second do I see her eyes flash green before they turn back yellow. 

Instinctively my hand reaches out wanting to touch her soft fur only for me to pull back as she snaps at my fingers, missing them by inches. Her snarls begins to get louder, and her eyes begin to turn red showcasing her vampire side fighting against her wolf side. 

"Alpha?" Lupus breaks me out of my thoughts and I turn to see him looking at me worriedly. He looks from me to her, realization appearing on his face, he knows what she is to me. "What do we do now?" 

Only seconds ago did she try to bite off my fingers, she doesn't seem very happy to meet me. Signaling for us to leave, we both walk out of the room, the growls becoming becoming quieter as the door is shut. "She's my mate." It's so strange how in just a second your whole world can shift, one stranger instantly becoming the world to you. 

But she acted as if she doesn't even know who I am to her. Is that possible? Surely she wouldn't have tried to hurt me if she recognized me as her mate, it causes yourself physical pain if you try to hurt your other half. Already I can feel the bond wrapping around my soul, my instincts screaming at me to go back in that room and make her realize who I am to her.

Yet my feet don't move, I'm frozen unable to do anything other than staring at the room that holds the other half to my soul. My wolf is going crazy in my head, wanting to go in there and comfort her. He's in pain as he listens to the growls of our other half, he wants to soothe her pain. 

Forcing myself to turn away from the door, I begin to make my way up the stairs as I try to comprehend this situation. I can't let her out right now, she's too hostile and I can't risk her attacking or killing another pack member. I'm going to need to find a way to calm her down, to listen to reason without attacking. 

Making my way into my house, my mom sits on the couch waiting for me. "Well, how did it go?" Hand on her hip, my mother is always demanding information out of me, criticizing my decisions and pushing me to be a better leader. Do I tell her about my mate and how she's the rogue that killed some of my top warriors? If I don't tell her she will find out soon and never let me hear the end of it. 

"The rogue, she's my mate." The words feel weird coming out of my mouth, almost as if my own voice doesn't belong to me. 

My mother chokes on the water she was sipping, a look of pity appearing on her face. "The rogue that killed some of our top warriors? She's your mate?" She looks appalled, as if she doesn't believe what I'm telling her. "So where is she? When do I get to meet her?" 

"There's been a problem." Thinking back to what I saw in the room, a shiver runs down my spine. "She's a half breed, half wolf and half vampire." Looking into my mothers eyes she looks at me as if I've grown a third head. 

"We can get past that, where is she Theo?" Her tone suggests she is not going to like the next words that leave my mouth. I already know she is going to judge me for leaving my mate down in the dungeon but she hasn't seen the worst of it. 

"She's still in the dungeon, she's very hostile right now. She even tried to attack me." 

My mother slaps a hand against her head, frustrated with me. "She's probably terrified, I should go see her." She then glares at me as if daring me to say no. "Don't argue with me boy, she probably saw you and was terrified, look at you, more beast than a man."

Now it's my turn to look as her as if she's stupid. "Did you not hear me? She killed some of our best warriors and tried to take a bite out of me, her mate. What makes you think you can get through to her?" 

"Mother knows best."

***Time Skip****

After about an hour of convincing, I finally allow my mother to go down the dungeons to see my mate with Lupus and I guarding her. She wanted to go alone but I refused, this girl is dangerous and I don't want either of them setting the other off. 

Opening the door for my mother, I take a peak at my mate who's lying on the bed, low growls tumbling out of her mouth as she watches us. Lupus walks inside of the room, standing in the corner as my mother takes her seat across from my mate. 

"You need to leave, Theo. You can watch from the outside but you can't be in here." My mother says, glancing between my mate and I. I look over at my mate, silently agreeing with my mother as I notice my mate glaring at me, her growls becoming louder. 

"If anything happens, call my name straight away." Stepping out of the room, I lean against the wall waiting. The growls have become lower now, my mate feeling more comfortable with me out of the room. 

This is going to be a disaster.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 05 ⏰

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