Home and Shower

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The next moments were a blur of pain and terror as Halilintar's attacker finished his horrible assault, his cries for help drowned out by the deafening silence of the night. At one time his mind subconsciously protected his sanity, making the memory hazy. When it was finally over, Halilintar lay crumpled on the ground, his body trembling with shock and revulsion, mind disoriented. The man had already gone.

"Where.. it is over? Ergh!" He groaned in pain, both shoulders felt strained, as it had been positioned in the same place for a long time. Later, he found the rope no longer binding him in place.

With every ounce of strength he could muster, Halilintar attempted to sit up, palm pushing the earth, his body trembling with the effort. Pain shot through him like lightning, radiating from his hips down to his toes.

"Damnit! Argh.." sweating started to form more and more, drenched his already dirty and wet shirt.

He could barely feel anything below his waist, a terrifying numbness that filled him with dread.

He carefully pulled his pants to the right place, covering his trunks. Ignoring the liquid falling out of his underneath, Halilintar suppressed a gag, closing his eyes shut as he properly adjusted his pants. Harsh breath starts to slow down. Calm down Petir.. It's okay.. It's alright... it's over. He inwardly prayed, giving him a little comfort in the moment of misery.

Next action brought more pain as he struggled to rise, ignoring the pain of his abusive wrist and lower abdomen, tears welled in Halilintar's eyes, threatening to spill over despite his best efforts to suppress them. It's okay, it's alright, I'm okay. He repeated those phrases like a chant. The weight of what had happened pressed down on him like a suffocating blanket, crushing his spirit with its sheer brutality.

"Where..?" those red eyes brimming looking for his power watch.

To his right, laying safe the watches with lightning symbols. Another pain surged through his body in an attempt to pick up the watch. With each movement, his hips throbbed with agony, a constant reminder of the violation he had endured. But despite the pain and the overwhelming sense of despair, Halilintar refused to give up. With a determination born of sheer survival instinct, he pushed himself to his feet, his body swaying unsteadily as he fought to stay upright.

When he finally succeeded, he quickly wore it on his right wrist, unnoticed the injury. Or his brain just cannot process much information at the moment.

He stands straight, ignoring the pain. The chant repeated again. It's okay.. It's alright.. It's over... I'm okay.

The memory fades again.

Together, the six brothers faced the reality of the oldest pain and suffering, knowing that they had a long and difficult journey ahead of them. But they were determined to be there for him, to support him and help him find the strength to overcome the darkest of times.

All of them could hear their brother's thoughts and feelings. How many chants repeated through their ears. It feels much worse than getting yeet to space or stab in the heart. It is more than that. You can feel your stomach rise like a war with the acid fluid, while your throat dries like a dessert of no sources of water, yet your eyes never stop releasing waterfall. And your body never stops trembling with guilt and shame.


The question that each one of them was asking in their mind, Why indeed? No one knows. No one can give them any answers to make the scene played out acceptable.

The indescribable things the twins are feeling right could not be compared with what their brother has gone through. Only silence, sobbing and crying could be heard echoing in the white room, awaiting for the next memory to play out.

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