13. Unveiling The Forge

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I peered over the bushes, my heart pounding in my chest as I surveyed the mercenary camp. Three of them were pacing, talking, and joking amongst themselves until the crackling of the walkie-talkie interrupted their banter. Quickly, I pressed myself further into the greenery, my hand subconsciously searching the ground for mud to camouflage myself better amidst the surroundings.

"Copy, he's gone, Lorenzo's orders. Any sign of the woman?"

"Negative, still searching. What about the third target?"

"Another operative is on her trail. At least we've eliminated the guy."

My heart sank like a stone in my stomach. Time seemed to come to a standstill as my hands trembled, the mud stinging against my wounds served as the only thing keeping my mind where my feet were. As the mercenaries continued their conversation, I suppressed my panting and prepared myself, covering my body with mud until I blended seamlessly with the environment.

Then, seizing an opportunity, I stood before a nearby tree and tossed a pebble onto the ground, creating a distraction. The sound drew one of the mercenaries closer, his flashlight scanning the bushes. In the split second, before he spotted me, I lunged forward, grabbing him by the neck. There was a surge of anger coursing through me as I tightened my grip, relishing in the sensation of him choking beneath my grasp.

When he went limp, I reached for his flashlight, flicking it off to avoid alerting the others, and grabbed the pistol from his holster. At that moment, I felt numb, detached from my emotions as I retrieved the gun from the mercenary's holster. Climbing up a tall tree for a better vantage point, I watched the remaining mercenaries below, my mind consumed by thoughts of their, so-called elimination orders, and perhaps ending Lorenzo once and for all.

As I perched high in the branches, surveying the campfire below, its flickering flames danced and swayed in the darkness, casting eerie shadows across the clearing. The crackling fire sent embers spiralling into the night sky, illuminating the faces of the two last mercenaries walking around it. Their hushed conversations mingled with the sounds of the jungle, creating an ominous melody that echoed through the trees.

As one of the mercenaries began to sense that something was amiss, he veered in the direction where I had last been, unaware that he was walking right into my trap. With calculated precision, I waited for the opportune moment. Two of them remained within sight, unwitting pawns in my plan. As the unsuspecting mercenary drew closer, I sprang from the shadows, landing soundlessly on him.

Two bullets tore through the night air, finding their mark in his chest. The sharp crack of gunfire shattered the peace of the forest, sending waves of fear rippling through the surrounding wildlife. The last mercenary spun around, his weapon poised to strike, but the fact that I already had him targetted as soon as I landed gave me a second of advantage. With a precise shot, I incapacitated him, the scream of pain echoing through the dense foliage.

As he writhed in agony on the muddy forest floor, his pleas for mercy pierced the tense silence. "Please," he begged, his voice strained with pain, "Please don't."

I approached him with measured steps, my gaze unyielding as I met his desperate eyes. With a heavy sigh, I reached for his utility belt, deftly retrieving his pocket knife and walkie-talkie, while casting his gun aside. Confusion flickered across his face as he watched my movements, his expression a mixture of fear and uncertainty.

Now disarmed and powerless, he stared up at me with a mixture of resignation and trepidation. With my pistol trained on his forehead, I pressed him for information, my voice cold and unwavering. "Do you have a medkit here?"

His breath came in ragged gasps as he hesitated, his hands trembling while he held them in the air as a silent surrender. I tightened my grip on the gun, pushing it further against his head. Finally, he relented, his voice shaky as he pointed towards the campfire.

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